Web­site privacy policy

June 2021

In brief

  • We use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to learn how our websites are used and how they perform.

  • We do this to improve your experience on the sites, and to be better able to market our products and services to you.

  • The specific set of technologies used varies depending on the product, service, and site you are interested in or use.

In full

This policy describes the privacy practices on our websites. By websites (or sites) this description refers to groups of pages within the f‑secure.com domain. Our online resellers (e.g. Cleverbridge AG) have their own privacy policies and are not included in this policy. For our personal data processing practices in general, please see the F‑Secure privacy statement. If you are looking for information about how we process your data in a particular service, you may also find our service-specific privacy policies, e.g. that of F‑Secure Total, relevant to you.

We use cookies on our websites to assist us in content personalization, website improvements and development, and to create relevant online marketing activities. When you visit our sites, you agree to the use of such cookies. You can also adjust your choices from our cookie preference settings. Your cookie preferences remain active for one year from your choice. The expiration date of a cookie is dependent on the cookie provider. If you wish to remove the cookies prior to their expiration date, you can do so from your browser settings.

Some cookies (functional cookies) are required for proper functioning of the site or for security reasons, and are always set. For the sake of keeping this document relevant, such essential cookies are not discussed herein.

Website personalization and development

The information collected via cookies and other web technologies helps us under­stand when and how visitors discover, inter­act with, and leave our websites. We then use this information to

  • improve the visibility and usability of our sites,

  • locate and address technical issues you might experience,

  • deliver customized and relevant content, including pricing, to you, and

  • direct you to the most relevant localized web page (based on geographic IP address).

By default, we do not use cookies to identify the individuals who visit our websites. However, if you have voluntarily submitted your contact information to F‑Secure — when purchasing a product, downloading a product trial, completing a survey or entering a contest, for example — we may, with your consent, tie your website usage to your individual record through the use of cookies.

We generate statistics and aggregate reports for internal use, as well as for sharing with F‑Secure group companies, partners, and subcontractors. Our third-party web analytic providers may also create and publish aggregate reports of the data collected. The statistics and aggregate reports do not contain any data that could be linked to an individual website visitor.

Web marketing activities

The data we collect can also be used for marketing purposes. Information about the pages you have visited or the products you bought in the past helps us market more relevant services to you in the future.

We also work with data aggregators and ecommerce sites to provide targeted advertising to our customers. In practice, this means that when you visit our site or a third-party website we have partnered with, or click an advertisement for F‑Secure products or services, your activity may be tracked through cookies. These cookies are generated by our marketing partners and used to display personalized F‑Secure-related advertisements on other websites.

We do not sell your personal data to any third parties. Information that is not personally identifiable may be shared with our advertising or business partners. They may also use cookies to track what advertisements you have seen and what products or services you appear to be interested in.

General information about cookies

Cookies help us collect information about the use of our website. This information includes, among other things,

  • the web browsers and operating systems used,

  • the domains of referring sites (traffic origin),

  • the date, time, number, and duration of visits,

  • which pages or elements within pages were viewed,

  • which links, buttons, or other items were clicked,

  • and what was typed into text fields in forms.

Cookies may contain IDs, typically random strings of numbers and letters, that are unique to your browser. This helps us recognize your browser when you visit our website again.

We use both first-party (set by F‑Secure) and third-party cookies (set by a vendor other than F‑Secure). Third-party cookies convey information to that third-party site upon your visit to an F‑Secure site.

Cookies are also used to track your reaction to emails sent to you, so that we know whether we have been successful in relaying the messaging to you.

Change your cookie settings

You can discontinue cookie-based data collection at any time, by opting out from the cookies (see the options below) or by adjusting your browser settings. Do note that some features of our website rely on cookies to function.

Please note that these opt-out mechanisms work by placing a cookie on your browser. Therefore, your browser must be configured to accept cookies for your preference to take effect. If you delete your cookies or switch to a different web browser, you will need to set your preferences again.

Third-party cookie providers

We use the following service providers to achieve some of the collection of data via cookies, as described above.

Cookie providerCookie purposeRead more
FacebookProviding relevant advertisementsRead more
Google AdsProviding relevant advertisements (including via Google signals)Read more
Google AnalyticsWebsite measuring and improvement (including via Google signals)Read more
Google Marketing PlatformProviding relevant advertisements (including via Google signals)Read more
HotjarWebsite measuring and improvementRead more
LinkedInProviding relevant advertisementsRead more
Microsoft AdvertisingProviding relevant advertisementsRead more
SalesWingsProviding relevant advertisementsRead more
ZoomInfoProviding relevant advertisementsRead more
XProviding relevant advertisementsRead more

Third-party web­sites

We are not responsible for any third-party websites you enter via our website, and their practices are not covered by this policy. Our website privacy policy does not cover data collected by any third-party websites, so you should read the privacy statements of those websites carefully.

F‑Secure does not control cookies from third-party websites. The third parties are responsible for how these cookies work and how the personal data is processed.

The practices related to accepting or blocking third-party cookies vary by marketing campaign and are defined by the third party and applicable laws.