LIAM 016 – A Journey from Darkness to Light: A Conversation with Nikki Schmutz by Life Is A Marathonratings:
52 minutes
Nov 28, 2014
Podcast episode
The holidays can be hard, lonely days for some people. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends. However, I realize that some of you are lonely, don't have family or friends, or are going through a hard time in your life. First, let me say I'm sorry for the pain you feel right now. Second, let me say I understand because I have been through very hard times and know what the holidays can be like in the midst of them. This podcast is for you. I talk about ways of gaining a new perspective on your situation with the goal of giving you hope for moving through the pain. Please listen...
Show outline:
A tweet from a follower: Some of us have lost everything, so it's hard to be thankful on thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. can be lonely days. I've been there. I understand.
Loss of jobs, relatives, relationships, health.
It's OK to feel these feelings. There is no such thing as a "bad" feeling. Don't label it. Just feel it, give it freedom to move through and out of you.
I can certainly empathize with the pain, especially around holidays
My dear friend, Melinda--a wife and mother of six--died last year, 2 weeks before Christmas, which would have been her 53rd birthday. That Christmas was hard, but they were still in shock. This year will be the real test for them.
April Fools Day - most have a fun time playing pranks on each other. That's the anniversary of my daughter's death. I've learned to have fun again.
Learn to rejoice in other people's happiness. Just because you are not where you want to be emotionally, don't pull others down to your level. Don't expect everyone to know your level of pain. Lift yourself up by being happy for others.
Conversation with coaching client: think about earlier painful experiences that you can't see how you will get through. If you can think of them, guess what? You got through them. Why would this be any different
It's hard, when in the midst of the pain, to see a path to happiness in the future. That's why it's important to look back and be encouraged by our past--especially our past pain. If we look back on the past fun, happy times, that can leave us despondent. Looking at past pain reminds us that we survived. It was hard, but we got through it. It probably made us stronger or brought us new opportunities
God/The universe is not out to get you! Be a reverse paranoid: the universe is conspiring for you, for your success.
This is the perfect time to practice E+R=O
Wayne Dyer's book I Can See Clearly Now - Listened to this audiobook while lying in the hospital bed. Perfect timing.
Sometimes the painful things we think are harmful punishment, are actually blessings--the wings you sent to carry me home
Mentioned in this show:
Home - Rich Mullins
I Can See Clearly Now - Dr. Wayne Dyer
EPISODE SPONSOR: Udemy.com - Start learning today!
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Show outline:
A tweet from a follower: Some of us have lost everything, so it's hard to be thankful on thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. can be lonely days. I've been there. I understand.
Loss of jobs, relatives, relationships, health.
It's OK to feel these feelings. There is no such thing as a "bad" feeling. Don't label it. Just feel it, give it freedom to move through and out of you.
I can certainly empathize with the pain, especially around holidays
My dear friend, Melinda--a wife and mother of six--died last year, 2 weeks before Christmas, which would have been her 53rd birthday. That Christmas was hard, but they were still in shock. This year will be the real test for them.
April Fools Day - most have a fun time playing pranks on each other. That's the anniversary of my daughter's death. I've learned to have fun again.
Learn to rejoice in other people's happiness. Just because you are not where you want to be emotionally, don't pull others down to your level. Don't expect everyone to know your level of pain. Lift yourself up by being happy for others.
Conversation with coaching client: think about earlier painful experiences that you can't see how you will get through. If you can think of them, guess what? You got through them. Why would this be any different
It's hard, when in the midst of the pain, to see a path to happiness in the future. That's why it's important to look back and be encouraged by our past--especially our past pain. If we look back on the past fun, happy times, that can leave us despondent. Looking at past pain reminds us that we survived. It was hard, but we got through it. It probably made us stronger or brought us new opportunities
God/The universe is not out to get you! Be a reverse paranoid: the universe is conspiring for you, for your success.
This is the perfect time to practice E+R=O
Wayne Dyer's book I Can See Clearly Now - Listened to this audiobook while lying in the hospital bed. Perfect timing.
Sometimes the painful things we think are harmful punishment, are actually blessings--the wings you sent to carry me home
Mentioned in this show:
Home - Rich Mullins
I Can See Clearly Now - Dr. Wayne Dyer
EPISODE SPONSOR: Udemy.com - Start learning today!
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LIAM on Twitter: @LifeIs262
LIAM on Facebook / LifeIsAMarathon
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Bruce Van Horn on Twitter
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Nov 28, 2014
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 56 min listen