Mar 2nd 2006 Alan Watt on X-Zone Radio w/ Rob McConnell - "Big Brother Is Watching You" by Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)UNLIMITED
Sept. 13, 2020 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk): "Government Dares to Care" *Title and Dialogue Copyrighted…
FromCutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)
Sept. 13, 2020 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk): "Government Dares to Care" *Title and Dialogue Copyrighted…
FromCutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)
256 minutes
Sep 13, 2020
Podcast episode
--{ "Government Dares to Care:
If You Think You're Little, Insignificant, You're Wrong,
Millions are Spent to Indoctrinate and Make You Conform." © Alan Watt }--
Quigley, Circles within Circles - World War I and WWII - Gangsters Who Control the Planet's Money Supply - Mega Group, Jeffrey Epstein -
World Bank - Population Reduction - Anniversary of 9/11 - Syria - Rioters Who Travel from Country to Country - Clenched Fist and Burning
Down Everything - Post-Consumer, World Wildlife Fund, Mega Group - Psychic Driving of 9/11 - Dancing Folk of 9/11 - Alistair Crowley,
Intelligence Services, CIA, Guru Organizations, Jonestown, Charles Manson - Tony Blair - Patriot Act - Video Games, Xbox, Military -
Studied, Behaviour Predicted - Electromagnetic Energy Applied to People's Heads, Dr. Persinger, Brain Helmet - Uniformity of Thought -
Matrix movie, We are Batteries - Persuasive Techniques, Uniform Opinions, Conformity - Fake News - Snob Appeal - Convenience, Implantable
Chips - Horror Movies - SAGE; Nudge Units; BIT, Behavioural Insights Team; Step Up the Terror to Increase Level of Anxiety to Get People
to Conform - Sustainability, Cars off the Roads, Agenda 21, Closing Meat Plants - Stalin, Contamination of POWs with Ideas from the West -
Real History is a Horror Show - Castro - Hillary Clinton, State Department, Cultural Changes attached to Loans and Aid - The World Bank -
Covid-19 Used to Bring in Massive Changes, a New System; Sustainability, Austerity - Free Trade, Jobs to China - Politicians and Leaders
Picked as Children and Trained for Their Task - Bond Villains, Managing Whole Nations; Control of Media, Movies, Tomorrow Never Dies,
"Tomorrow's News Today", Movie, Quantum of Solace - Media Quiet on the Characters Behind Jeffrey Epstein; Straight Out of James Bond -
In True Faith, There is No Need for Secrecy - Please Remember to Go to www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to DONATE and ORDER - Use the
Crowd Against Individuals - Cultural Revolutions - Bezmenov, Gramsci - Riots of the 1960s - Welcome to the Post-Democratic System -
Please Support the Talks as I Do Not Have Time to Do Anything But This - Thank You All for Keeping in Touch - This is a Battle Between
Good and Evil and Everyone and Their Decisions Matters - Heavy Trains Going Past My House - Helena Handbasket article - Herd Immunity -
10 PM Curfew Possible for Britain - Shutting Roads across Britain; Motorways in England to Trial 60 mph Speed Limit - Ohio, Get Ready For
COVID-19 FEMA Camps - Bishop Threatens ‘canonical penalties’ for Wisconsin Priest whose Viral Video Warned Catholics can’t Be Democrats -
New York City, Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End - Long-awaited NHS Covid Contact -
Tracing App will Launch in England and Wales, a Day After Scotland Launch - Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Resume after Volunteer
Became Ill - The World Bank Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Program, Expected Project Closing Date, 2025 - Dr. Pam Popper, How
Christians Are Being Influenced to Take the Vaccine - TFMS: Behavioural Paper Supporting the Consensus Statement on Mass Testing -
SAGE, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies - UK's ‘Operation Moonshot’, £100 Billion - Bill Gates Steered $250 Million to
Mainstream Media to Control the Narrative - UK's Coronavirus Act 2020; Indemnity; Video Surveillance; Postponement of Elections -
German Doctor: COVID-19 Vaccine could be the Biggest Mistake - Permanently Altering the Cells in Your Body - Google Canceled ‘Smart City’
Plans for Toronto - SAGE, Mass Testing for Population Case Detection of SARS-CoV-2 - Organ-Harvesting, the Cause for Life Threatened
like Never Before - WHO says Oral Vaccine Caused New Polio Outbreak in Africa - Pumping Up the Numbers, the R number and growth rate in
the UK - Teacher Worried about Parents Overhearing Online Classes- Antifa Radical Arrested for Arson was Live-Streaming on Facebook
Before Arrest - Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious" -
If You Think You're Little, Insignificant, You're Wrong,
Millions are Spent to Indoctrinate and Make You Conform." © Alan Watt }--
Quigley, Circles within Circles - World War I and WWII - Gangsters Who Control the Planet's Money Supply - Mega Group, Jeffrey Epstein -
World Bank - Population Reduction - Anniversary of 9/11 - Syria - Rioters Who Travel from Country to Country - Clenched Fist and Burning
Down Everything - Post-Consumer, World Wildlife Fund, Mega Group - Psychic Driving of 9/11 - Dancing Folk of 9/11 - Alistair Crowley,
Intelligence Services, CIA, Guru Organizations, Jonestown, Charles Manson - Tony Blair - Patriot Act - Video Games, Xbox, Military -
Studied, Behaviour Predicted - Electromagnetic Energy Applied to People's Heads, Dr. Persinger, Brain Helmet - Uniformity of Thought -
Matrix movie, We are Batteries - Persuasive Techniques, Uniform Opinions, Conformity - Fake News - Snob Appeal - Convenience, Implantable
Chips - Horror Movies - SAGE; Nudge Units; BIT, Behavioural Insights Team; Step Up the Terror to Increase Level of Anxiety to Get People
to Conform - Sustainability, Cars off the Roads, Agenda 21, Closing Meat Plants - Stalin, Contamination of POWs with Ideas from the West -
Real History is a Horror Show - Castro - Hillary Clinton, State Department, Cultural Changes attached to Loans and Aid - The World Bank -
Covid-19 Used to Bring in Massive Changes, a New System; Sustainability, Austerity - Free Trade, Jobs to China - Politicians and Leaders
Picked as Children and Trained for Their Task - Bond Villains, Managing Whole Nations; Control of Media, Movies, Tomorrow Never Dies,
"Tomorrow's News Today", Movie, Quantum of Solace - Media Quiet on the Characters Behind Jeffrey Epstein; Straight Out of James Bond -
In True Faith, There is No Need for Secrecy - Please Remember to Go to www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to DONATE and ORDER - Use the
Crowd Against Individuals - Cultural Revolutions - Bezmenov, Gramsci - Riots of the 1960s - Welcome to the Post-Democratic System -
Please Support the Talks as I Do Not Have Time to Do Anything But This - Thank You All for Keeping in Touch - This is a Battle Between
Good and Evil and Everyone and Their Decisions Matters - Heavy Trains Going Past My House - Helena Handbasket article - Herd Immunity -
10 PM Curfew Possible for Britain - Shutting Roads across Britain; Motorways in England to Trial 60 mph Speed Limit - Ohio, Get Ready For
COVID-19 FEMA Camps - Bishop Threatens ‘canonical penalties’ for Wisconsin Priest whose Viral Video Warned Catholics can’t Be Democrats -
New York City, Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End - Long-awaited NHS Covid Contact -
Tracing App will Launch in England and Wales, a Day After Scotland Launch - Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Resume after Volunteer
Became Ill - The World Bank Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Program, Expected Project Closing Date, 2025 - Dr. Pam Popper, How
Christians Are Being Influenced to Take the Vaccine - TFMS: Behavioural Paper Supporting the Consensus Statement on Mass Testing -
SAGE, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies - UK's ‘Operation Moonshot’, £100 Billion - Bill Gates Steered $250 Million to
Mainstream Media to Control the Narrative - UK's Coronavirus Act 2020; Indemnity; Video Surveillance; Postponement of Elections -
German Doctor: COVID-19 Vaccine could be the Biggest Mistake - Permanently Altering the Cells in Your Body - Google Canceled ‘Smart City’
Plans for Toronto - SAGE, Mass Testing for Population Case Detection of SARS-CoV-2 - Organ-Harvesting, the Cause for Life Threatened
like Never Before - WHO says Oral Vaccine Caused New Polio Outbreak in Africa - Pumping Up the Numbers, the R number and growth rate in
the UK - Teacher Worried about Parents Overhearing Online Classes- Antifa Radical Arrested for Arson was Live-Streaming on Facebook
Before Arrest - Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious" -
Sep 13, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 31 min listen