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The Lavendaire Lifestyle


The Lavendaire Lifestyle


The Lavendaire Lifestyle

256 episodes


Life is an art. Make it your masterpiece.

The Lavendaire Lifestyle is a podcast on personal growth and lifestyle design. Hosted by YouTuber and entrepreneur Aileen Xu, this podcast shares insight & inspiration on how to shine as your brightest self and create your dream life.

New episodes on Sundays.

Episodes1 - 10 of 256 episodes


247: Mastering Charisma & People Skills with Vanessa Van Edwards

Wondering if it's possible for introverts to become skilled communicators and thrive in...

32 minutes
Dec 03, 2023

246: Change Your Life One Thought at a Time with Jacqueline Hurst

Have you ever considered the influence our thoughts have on shaping who we are? In this...

41 minutes
Nov 26, 2023

245: The Art of Living Fully with Joe Huff & Bridget Hilton

Frequently, we find ourselves postponing our dreams, thinking they'll happen "someday.”...

65 minutes
Nov 19, 2023

244: Mimi Ikonn on Success and Living Authentically

Discovering the path for your life can be a challenge. To manifest your dream life, it'...

68 minutes
Nov 12, 2023

243: Deconstructing to Reorganize and Build Your Best Life with Anh Lin

While we cannot undo or erase our painful traumatic experiences, we certainly learn fro...

47 minutes
Nov 05, 2023

242: Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Most of our paths aren't are straight or easy as they seem on the outside. Our stories ...

25 minutes
Oct 29, 2023

10 Minute Meditation for Positivity, Gratitude, Joy

In this episode, we present an empowering 10-minute guided meditation for positivity, g...

10 minutes
Oct 25, 2023

241: Using EFT/Tapping to Heal and Grow into Your Best Life with Brad Yates

Most of us are walking around carrying ambient stress in our bodies without even realiz...

58 minutes
Oct 22, 2023

240: The Courage to Start Over Again with Fresh Starts Registry

You can go through several major life changing moments in our lives, experience new cha...

52 minutes
Oct 15, 2023

Gratitude Affirmations | Daily Affirmations to Attract Positivity & Abundance

In this episode, we present powerful positive affirmations for gratitude and thankfulne...

13 minutes
Oct 11, 2023