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Kingdom of Death
Kingdom of Death
Kingdom of Death
Ebook31 pages19 minutes

Kingdom of Death

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Kingdom of death 


Kingdoms of death is a fairy tale about rival tribes and peoples in special eras Some of them have gained their status by the power of the people .Others have gone too far in taming huge animals and terrifying monsters and exploiting all possible resources in order to establish influence and control.It's a great epic, a story full of interesting events, adventure and lines full of amazement

Release dateAug 26, 2024
Kingdom of Death

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    Kingdom of Death - MUAADH ALFARDI

    Kingdoms of death

    Kingdoms of death

    The sounds of wind, extreme cold and snow cover everything and darkness hangs over the plains, valleys and lonely forests،

    Man lives here and his greatest ambition is to get food and survive ،

    There are no dreams or ambitions, everyone works to survive only for a while،

    The last thing these feuding tribes would think about is rapprochement or respect for the other،

    Everything that these tribes encounter becomes their own if they can ،

    There are many scattered, medium-sized tribes that live by their own laws and are not subject to any of the large and organized Kingdoms. ‘

    These tribes have the power to impose their status, despite their small size and the small number of their armies

    But in the crowd of these scattered tribes, there are two large kingdoms that managed to rise up in the midst of these harsh conditions and make civilization out of the womb of trouble.

    They immortalized their names with blood and ancient glories, so that these kingdoms became the source of inspiration for all the writers and poets who sang about these ancient kingdoms

    Kingdom of Taro

    The taro tribe, under the rule of queen Eileen, who rules with her wise mind and strong determination, thousands of men and women who know no fear at all ،

    They inhabit densely wooded valleys and make houses out of them that sometimes hold up.

    They mastered the manufacture of lethal

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