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“Never Give Up”
“Never Give Up”
“Never Give Up”
Ebook244 pages1 hour

“Never Give Up”

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About this ebook

This book was written while I was in jail from October 24, 2003, until January 4, 2005. I wrote these poems about my wife and how I felt about her and our marriage. I also wrote for other inmates to send to their ladies. As I wrote, I reflected on my mistakes and mostly on God. I wanted this book to capture the essence of true love and forgiveness. This book is about never giving up on anything you care about. Work hard at accomplishing your goals. Put your right foot forward as they say, but I say trust God and you can do all things through Him.

Release dateDec 28, 2017
“Never Give Up”

Demetrius Belcher

My name is Demetrius Belcher. I was born in Cleveland, OH, but grew up in East Cleveland, OH. I was raised by my grandmother. I began seriously writing after her death in 1998. I was married Aug. 8, 1998 to Lolita Hodge which she became Lolita T Belcher and we have two children together, Tiana and Tabitha. She had a son when we met Tierre` Hodge. I have three other books Poetry for the soul, If you can stand the heat and journey through my shoes. James Myers help me type this up, thanks brother. Also to not forget Maurice Haynes.

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    “Never Give Up” - Demetrius Belcher

    Copyright © 2017 Demetrius Golddee Belcher.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-2984-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-2985-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017917379

    iUniverse rev. date: 11/13/2017


    Never give up

    When Your Dreams Die

    When I Die




    You’re Smile

    Second Proposal

    Every Time I Fail

    2 Many Times

    That Night

    Missed Out

    When We Met


    Someone There

    Real Love or Infatuation

    Thin line

    Can’t get through

    What made him bitter?

    Justice is blind


    Street life

    Confession part 1

    Confession part 2

    Pretty eyes part 1

    Pretty eyes part 2


    Suffer no more part 1

    Suffer no more part 2

    Suffer no more part 3

    Suffer no more part 4

    Love Scene

    A Lifetime Love

    Soul Mate

    Terrible Twos

    I’m Sorry


    A Very Special Lady

    Pleasure and Pain


    The Perfect You

    Night Lights

    Second Chance at Love


    Stars or Glitter

    And They All Fall Down

    My Chevy


    Black power

    Lock down


    Reunited part 1

    Reunited part 2





    On this special day

    Let it be known

    Share this time

    Cup of love

    Not ready

    No other but you



    We have gone as far as we can go

    My angel’s tear

    You’re my everything

    A valentine wish

    Granny love

    When I see you again


    Best friend

    Love of my life

    Day by day

    A letter to my love part 1

    A letter to my love part 2

    What I see


    My dream came true

    My life

    Where do we go from here?

    What it’s worth

    When the door slams

    Just a small part

    Tear drop


    Perfect love

    Show and tell

    The value of you

    Baby sis

    Can’t wait

    Never give up

    Cracked not broken

    The hidden person

    Make it work

    Soup break

    Why live


    Play your hand

    A virtuous wife part 1

    A virtuous wife part 2

    Do you have the time?

    Give me a reason

    What if…


    Love, sex, pleasure

    Not a day goes by

    Out casted



    Keep out of reach of love

    A quiet space

    Beyond repair

    Daddy’s lil man

    Pretty face

    What’s left?

    Total darkness

    Love has everything to do with it

    Evidence of love

    Her name is destiny

    The miracle goes on

    Lost in the fog

    Back to life

    Love into practice

    A wasted life


    Bitter heart, joyful soul

    Away in my heart

    Who could…?

    A son’s thought

    Wake up

    Where do I fit in?

    The golden road

    The right answer

    Dream catcher

    No plastic

    No control on tears

    Bank of love

    Visit me in Heaven

    8 ways to love

    Lonely day

    The moon walking in brightness

    Lasting friendship

    With you

    Give thanks

    Thug passion

    Comfort of your smile

    Leaks in life

    When I need you

    Love has a name

    Beyond tears

    Angel of love

    Stormy day

    It’s been a long time

    How can I …


    Remembrance of you

    Better days

    Olympic love

    Seal of my heart

    Faint with love

    We did this

    After all

    Karma love

    Road untold

    Look within

    Dance of love

    You had me at hello part 1

    You had me at hello part 2

    Bridal love

    My heart’s true home

    Lose yourself in me

    Believe me, I know

    Psalm of Gold part 1

    Psalm of Gold part 2

    Come on over part 1

    Come on over part 2

    Come on over part 3

    Come on over part 3 (cont)

    Come on over part 4

    Come on over part 5

    Come on over part 6

    Come on over part 7

    Come on over part 8

    Come on over part 9

    Come on over part 10

    Potter’s clay

    Every step forward

    Ardent love part 1

    Ardent love part 2

    Reflection of the heart

    Your guardian of love

    Encouraging words

    From a father to a son

    Why separate love

    Love chasm

    Two different worlds

    Opening line

    Out of the sea, into the heart

    Is it my turn


    I’m there for you

    You told me so…

    Endless tears

    Pain no gain

    You know what to do

    Up against it all

    Miss right

    I wonder



    When I write

    Start new


    Trust in HIM

    Who do you hold?

    Lolita part 1

    Mary had a habit

    It was them over me

    This life of mine

    I’ll face it

    How many lies

    Never give up

    Hold on and don’t give up


    Never give up

    It’s hard living this life

    I’m losing my wife

    And days full of strife

    I’m losing control

    Trying to reach my goal

    How can this be?

    Everything’s against me

    It seems no matter how hard I try

    I just can’t get by

    I wonder is my life a lie

    On my face my tears burn

    When will I learn?

    Where will I go?

    To ask questions when I don’t know

    I seek love in you

    A meaning to life that’s true

    And get back the love I once knew

    You’re my wife

    And I’m not giving up on life

    No matter what you do

    I’m not giving up on you

    Now you see

    How our love can be

    Never give up on me

    When Your Dreams Die

    (Dedicated to my poetry)

    When you have no one to hold

    When your heart turns cold

    When nothing goes your way

    When you have nowhere to stay

    When you’re on your own

    When you’re all alone

    When you lose your wife

    And think it’s the end of life

    When you lose your gilding light

    When you no longer want to write

    When people constantly lie

    When your dreams die

    When your dreams die

    You die

    When I Die

    I hope

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