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Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder: A Testimonial from the 24Th Elder to Christendom the 144,000 and Israel
Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder: A Testimonial from the 24Th Elder to Christendom the 144,000 and Israel
Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder: A Testimonial from the 24Th Elder to Christendom the 144,000 and Israel
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Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder: A Testimonial from the 24Th Elder to Christendom the 144,000 and Israel

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About this ebook

In The Revelation Ch. 25A Letter to the Churches from the 24th Elder, author Edward K. Micheal offers a testimony of his life. Using his personal and spiritual experiences, he reflects on a wide variety of events from his childhood years and his years as a young man, all the way through to adulthood.

Micheal shares several deeply intimate details about his years, including some of his sexual escapades, his foray into drugs, his time in jail, and how he was affected by evil forces. He also talks about a number of events wherein he was with the spirit and was a part of other dimensions.

The Revelation Ch. 25A Letter to the Churches from the 24th Elder journeys through Micheals life as he explores a host of his experiences and seeks to find the meaning of it all through his relationship with Yeshua, Jesus Christ.
Release dateMar 24, 2017
Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder: A Testimonial from the 24Th Elder to Christendom the 144,000 and Israel

Edward K. Micheal

Edward K. Micheal wrote this book in the absolute truth as he lived it. Some of the events are deeply personal. He wonders if maybe he would have taken a different path if he knew then what he knows now. Edward hopes people will find comfort in these supernatural manifestations, and that they yearn to use their sensory bodies. He currently lives in Plymouth, England.

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    Book preview

    Revelation Ch:25 - a Letter to the Churches from the 24Th Elder - Edward K. Micheal


    A Letter to the Churches
    from the 24th Elder

    A Testimonial from the

    24th Elder to Christendom

    The 144,000 and Israel

    ‘The little scroll, open, within his hand.’

    A Testimony given to all the Nations

    I am Christian born of ChristYeshuaJesus

    and by implication this is addressed

    to Israel and Christendom.



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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/24/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6686-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6685-9 (e)

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen:


    About the Author

    About the Book


    Chapter One

    What we are searching for the many pieces of literature that will go some way to explain our existence and meaning to our lives. Some on the here and now level some over millennia. There is no end of good books, films, giving an indication of what happens to us and i may say from personal experience that dramatic licence has been overused. Not through their direct fault but simply the institutional churches inadequacy to inform and embrace the truth.

    The nous~spirit, soul and body. These are the foundations on which all understanding of ourselves come from so it will come as no suprise that we mess our lives up as we know little of these three fundamentals. I say to you. These three fundamentals should be taught in religious education at the earliest years from the beginning of school life. This in itself would transform people’s lives, giving new understanding of ourselves and direction in our lives. It is the action of living water around the nous that this precipitates spirit of ourselves, this life force action upon the flesh body. If only we could see them live within this spirit body and all other actions following giving new life and energising the body physical. The interface of the energizing spirit being the soul to understanding. This is how we are connected through the living water, sometimes felt as ribbons of fluid being pulled through your heart, nous, just below your chest to you and me.

    I honestly did believe that one time that all mental instability and possessions be put down to logic and the psychology of the mind. Through trying to make sense of my life and encountering many, many spiritual beings manifesting on this reality. I hope to give answers to those in this life that, through orthodox methods, find answers to the meaning and occurrences in your and my life. We try to understand this reality through science, religion and others. Amen.

    Let me make myself very clear, no amount of science can prove what happens. The closest they have come as being to mathematically prove there exists more than nine dimensions. This I know myself as I have witnessed many manifestations coming from these extra dimensions. Besides, how can any science with any credibility work with one of its component functions to be a constant speed of light, the data alone shows is slowing down.

    Many people believe they have been in contact with extraterrestrials, this when in actual fact they have been appropriated by none other than angelic beings who it is in their complete interest to blind those who are gifted in the spirit travel away from themselves away from their nous sense within these dimensions. Without you having any direct spiritual experience is very hard to explain how real these manifestations actually are. Stop. Suffice to say this cosmic warfare of the light against darkness is being played out in every single aspect of our lives. I mean every aspect!

    The only way you will ever see and realise extent to which these things penetrate your life to be free from the corruption and blinding nature of this dimension. The word God alone is not enough as many cults, religious and arbitrary ideologies use the word God. There is simply the word of God and the heart felt sincerity of Yeshua, Christ,.. sius, this written word meaning ‘I Am’ in the french language, very close to the english word ‘jesus’ reminding us all we are part of the body of christ. I pray we all open our eyes and ears to the truth, Veritas. In those wise words given for our directoion, Veritas, what is the truth I suggest you watch the film. There are other films which I believe are extremely important to understand this body of work. These are artistic testimonials of how the spirit, other dimensions, interface with ours our lives and experience; the 13th floor, prince of darkness, the matrix.

    Chapter Two

    As we have aged I have noticed there are times in the past, both immediate and childhood, where for some reason unknown at the time, that these times, moments, simply stay with you. These episodes at the time, during the event, just seem to stick in the mind. They stay with you as a permanent memory, marker if you like. I could not understand at the time why they felt important or familiar. Déjà vu.

    On reflection though it does seem to make sense though, this is where you must be aware of self-fulfilling prophecies. The facts still remain though some, most, of these mind sticking events definitely occurred and then up to 7 years later an incident occurs which, however much I would like to separate the events they are most definitely connected. You may, I know I have experienced the same or similar life circumstances.

    Strange… Life can be like mathematics, you could say it is similar to calculus you understand the basic fundamentals of the working of the equation and that he gives an answer but at the time you don’t understand

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