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What You Can Give
What You Can Give
What You Can Give
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What You Can Give

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Release dateJan 19, 2011
What You Can Give

John Schnarrs

John M Schnarrs is a 80 year old researcher, that is assisting in leading the way to learning how to acheave spiritual life after death and also while still on earth.

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    Book preview

    What You Can Give - John Schnarrs


    Happy We’ll Always Be

    What You Can Give

    Teach the Evils of TV Education

    Dope Enslaves Us—Why?

    We Are the Temple of God

    We Are to Keep Jesus’ Words

    The Outworking of Love

    You Have a Choice

    Guidance Comes From God’s Word

    The Messiah Came to Save Us by Dying for Our Sins

    What You Should Do

    The Ten Commandments: the Complete Law of God, Nothing Added

    The Ten Commandments

    The Sabbath

    Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Sabbath-Keeping

    What You Must Do to Inherit Eternal Life

    God Will Sanctify You

    God’s Great Blessings

    John Upholds the Law

    The Messiah Upholds the Law

    Paul Upholds the Law

    God and the Law

    God is Just

    The Law is Just

    God is Holy

    The Law is Holy

    God is Perfect

    The Law is Perfect

    God is Spiritual

    Eight Sets of Basic Biblical Laws

    To Be Loved By the Holy Good God

    Spreading the Truth as Overcomers

    Walking as Children of Light

    Faith Without Works is Dead

    God’s People

    Happy We’ll Always Be

    The Messiah came to set us free; He paid the price for you and me.

    Satan’s claims on our lives shall never be.

    Our sins have been washed away

    Through His shed blood at Calvary.

    Now we can rejoice and ever be, as we go on into eternity.

    Praise His holy name that shall ever be,

    We will give Him thanks throughout eternity.

    Sing and be happy we are set free.

    Rejoice, rejoice, and happy be,

    We can now live throughout eternity.

    Happy we shall ever be, because our big brother set us free.

    Satan’s claims on our lives can never be;

    Our sins have been washed away by our Savior dying for us at Calvary.

    Halleluyah, halleluyah, halleluyah,

    Ever so happy are we, to be set free.

    God, the greatest of all givers, who gave the greatest of all gifts:

    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

    Bible verses are quoted predominantly from the King James Version.

    What You Can Give

    We have only a small amount of time we can use in this life, so time is the most valued thing you have. To multiply your time is to teach others, who will in turn, pass on your teachings to others, which will grow and grow. You can teach many ways, but by example is the best way. Here are some examples of practical acts of goodness:

    1. Hold open the door for a person behind you or for someone who’s carrying packages, etc. Most likely they will thank you, because you helped them in kindness.

    2. Say good morning or hi to someone with a smile; it’s a sort of picker-upper to people and can change their whole day’s outlook, and they will generally pass it on.

    3. If you’re driving and another driver is in trouble or wants to make a turn into another intersection, stop and allow that person to turn or get out of that trouble, which in turn may stop an accident from happening.

    4. If you see a child trying to cross the road and you’re near the child, put your hands out in a stopping fashion for the cars, or, if you’re in the opposite lane in a car, stop your car. This in turn let the other lanes of traffic know there is trouble, and they will slow down or stop, also, maybe saving a child’s life.

    5. Most of all, you can witness to people about the Messiah dying for their sins and wanting to be their big brother and Savior from their sins, as well as the example for their lives. Tell them of a new spiritual Father they will receive when they become a new creature, with a changed lifestyle and the filling of the Holy Spirit within them, which is a very warm glow.

    6. Do good to others, even when they have done you wrong; it is a fine example that our Messiah taught us to do. This really makes others think.

    7. Show contempt or tell others of your disapproval when they talk filthy or cuss around you. Merely tell them that you don’t want to hear filthy words, just like you don’t want to look filthy, and ask them to stop it.

    8. Denounce evil sins, especially around young people, as an example.

    9. Write about righteousness that’s taught throughout the Bible, especially by the king of righteousness, the Messiah, who was to magnify the law (Isaiah 42:21).

    10. You can pass on literature, such as this book, even when you write someone. It’s you that’s doing it, and it might not be done otherwise.

    11. There are people, who are helpless in a variety of ways, whom you can volunteer to help; and there are organizations that need your help.

    12. You can study the Bible and correct ministers of wrong teachings about the Law. Remember God the Father gave laws for us to live by. The Son came and magnifed the Law (Ten Commandments). Some ministers claim Paul’s teachings supposedly do away with the Father’s and Son’s laws, which is ridiculous.

    Who was Paul to take away anything? He wasn’t an appointed apostle, but it is said that he received the power to witness through his circumstances. He was not to do away with law teachings, except to tell us that blood animal sacrifice laws were done away with, and that Israel’s civil death penality showed the greatness of the evil that deserved death.

    As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction (II Peter 3:16).

    We are to keep the commandments of God and the testimony of of the Messiah (Revelation 12:14; 14:12; 22:14).

    13. Give to your kinfolk and especially your brothers and sisters who are children of God.

    14. Write to your government representives about the evil that’s protrayed on TV and the media of the sexual sins that’s praticed before your eyes.

    Matthew 5:28 says, But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Men and women can be seen in bed having sex, with women being seen with only a string covering their sexual parts. A young man isn’t suppose to have sex with these whores, even though the men are made to be sexually aroused with women’s nakedness. This is evil.

    15. Write to the sponsors of shows that cause you to sin mentally, complaining that you will not buy their products. Remember, these evils cause God’s wrath on all.

    16. Tell children to play their mental TV on what school teaches to increase memory.

    17. Tell people that eternal life is the greatest of all goals they can obtain.

    18. Show people the many times in the Bible that overcoming is what we’re to do—mostly over our mental lust, hatred, jealousy, envy, etc., which control the body.

    Teach the Evils of TV Education

    It is utter stupidity to teach children about sex from TV, in every form and fashion, with deep toungue-ing of naked bodies in bed, along with the verbiage and suggestions of sexual activity. Sexual acts are being done under the covers; bare parts are more and more exposed. Every type of whoredom that’s imaginable is praticed, along with Hollywood’s examples of Satanistic ways of evil. It’s

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