Think Tank

Dokumenty przydatne przy opracowywaniu nowych aktów prawnych UE
Stock-taking of the 2024 European Parliament Elections
In the 2024 European Parliament elections turnout varied significantly across EU Member States, influenced by institutional factors such as compulsory voting and concurrent elections. Socioeconomic disparities persisted; older, higher-educated, and wealthier citizens were more likely to vote, while economically disadvantaged and unemployed individuals participated less. Gender and age gaps in turnout reaffirmed the importance of role models and political efficacy in mobilization. Vote choice reflected ...
Stock-taking of the European Elections 2024
The European Electoral Act decrees that the Members of the European Parliament shall be elected on the basis of proportional representation, using the list system or the single transferable vote. There is much leeway for a Member State to turn terms like “proportional representation” or “the list system” into executable rules. As a result, Member States differ considerably as to their electoral provisions. The briefing presents an overview of the vote patterns used by the Member States, of the apportionment ...
This study first analyses the existing European security architecture, as it has emerged since World War II. It does so from an organisational perspective, looking at NATO, the OCSE and EU defence policy, as well as from a series of national country perspectives, trying to find underlying motives for national defence policies. After looking at recent policy responses to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the pivotal years since 2022, five scenarios for a possible future European security architecture ...
EU-Greenland relations in fisheries
Greenland, a self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, has a significant fishing industry, with seafood exports accounting for over 90 % of total exports. The EU and Greenland have established fisheries relations since Greenland left the European Economic Community in 1985. The relationship allows EU vessels to fish in Greenlandic waters in return for a financial contribution, and allows duty-free access for Greenlandic fishery products to the EU market. In addition, Greenland is by ...
At a Glance: Increasing Flexibility in the EU Energy System - Technologies and policies to enable the integration of renewable electricity sources
The original full study explores the current and future flexibility needs in the electricity system as well as existing and potential solutions to efficiently integrate renewable energy and facilitate electrification of end-uses. Key findings highlight the importance of flexible electricity generation, demand response and energy storage solutions for daily, weekly, and seasonal flexibility provision. However, challenges persist due to inadequate market rules and regulatory frameworks, and economic ...
Planowane wydarzenia

On 18 March 2025, the European Parliament and the European Commission will co-host the third edition of the EU Tax Symposium in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels, with the participation of National Parliaments.

On 18 March, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) will host a public hearing about the enforcement and implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA). The aim of the hearing is to discuss the effective implementation and enforcement of the DSA.

On 18 March 2025, JURI and EMPL Members will hold a public hearing on the protection and promotion of the rights of children placed in alternative care
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