
�^���Ɋw�K����l�̂ݕ�W �X�p���^�p��E�p��b�̂m�b�b�����p��w�@

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My eyes smarted with tear gas.


The cut smarted.�́u���̐؂菝���ɂ񂾁v�Ƃ����Ӗ��ł��B



He smarted from her insults.�Ƃ���΁u�ނ͔ޏ��ɕ��J����ĕ��S�����v�Ƃ������Ƃł��B

He stands 185 centimeters.


The Eiffel Tower stands 300m high.�̂悤�Ɏg���܂��B


A detective surprised him in the act of breaking into the store.


�����ł�surprise��to find, catch, or attack someone when they are not expecting it, especially when they are doing something they should not be doing�Ƃ����Ӗ��ł��B

surprise the enemy�́u�G�Ɋ�P��������v�Ƃ������Ƃł��B


I will teach you to tell a lie.


teach somebody to do�ɂ́u�`����Ƃǂ��Ȃ邩�l�Ɏv���m�点��A�l�Ɂ`����ƂЂǂ��ڂɂ������Ƃ�������v�Ƃ����Ӗ�������܂��B

That'll teach you! �̌`�ł悭�g���܂��B

That'll teach you to use my car without my permission.�Ƃ���΁u���f�ŎԂ��g���Ƃǂ��Ȃ邩����Ŏv���m�������낤�v�Ƃ����Ӗ��ł��B


The dog was worrying a slipper.










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