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1�FRDF Refuse Derived Fuel
3�F�󂫊� Waste Cans
4�F�A�W�A�����m3R���i�t�H�[���� Forum on 3R Promotion in Asia and Pacific
5�F�Ւn�Ǘ� Landfill Site Management
6�FALPS������ Advanced Liquid Processing System - Treated Water
7�F����^������ Landfill Site for Stable Industrial Wastes (Non-Leachate-Controlled Type)
8�Fe-waste electrical and electric waste
9�F�ꕔ�����g�� Regional Affairs Association
10�F��ʔp���� Non-Industrial Waste
11�F��ʔp���������v�� Municipal Waste Management Program�@�^�@Domestic Waste Management Plan
12�F��ʔp���������{�� Domestic Wastes Treatment Facilities
13�F��Ôp���� medical waste
14�F��Ôp���������K�C�h���C�� Guideline for Medical Waste Management
15�F�C���o�[�X�E�}�j���t�@�N�`���A�����O Inverse Manufacturing
16�FWEEE�w�� Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste elect
17�F�E�G�X -
18�F�������� Landfills Disposal
19�F�G�R�Z�����g Eco-Cement
20�F�����r�j�� Polyvinyl Chloride
21�F�I�[�V�����N���[���A�b�v The Ocean Cleanup
22�F�����ҕ��S���� Polluter-Pays Principle
23�F���D Sludge
24�F���D�Đ������Z���^�[ Sludge Treatment Center
25�F�C�ݕY���� wastes drifting ashore
26�F�C�ݕY�����������i�@ Law concerning the Treatment of Wastes Drifting Ashore
27�F������[�g Recovery Routes
28�F��̔p���� Demolition Waste
29�F�C��c�[���̏����Ɋւ��鍑�ۏ�� Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wreck, 2007
30�F�C�m�‹����ɂ�����v���X�`�b�N�����Ɋւ���@�I�S���͂̂��鍑�ە����i���j an international legally binding instrument (convention ) to end plastic pollution including in the
31�F�C�m��{�v�� Basic Plan on Ocean Policy
32�F�C�m�v���X�`�b�N Ocean Plastics
33�F�C�m�v���X�`�b�N���� Ocean�@Plastics�@Charter
34�F�g�吶�Y�ҐӔC Extended Producer Responsibility
35�F�j�R���T�C�N�� Nuclear Fuel Cycle
36�F�ƒ{�ӂ�A�Ǘ��E���T�C�N���@ Law on Livestock Excreta Management and Recycling
37�F�Ɠd���T�C�N���@ Law for Recycling of Specified Kinds of Home Appliances�@�^�@Home Appliance Recycling Law
38�F�”R���p���� Combustible Waste
39�F������ Waste Paper
40�F�����e�� Paper Packaging
41�F�J����B������ Karin B Incident�@�^�@Koko Dumping Incident
42�F�J���b�g Cullet
44�F�‹��ӔC�w�� Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental
45�F�‹��ی�@�y�p���z Envitonmental Protection Act
47�F�Ǘ��^�Y�Ɣp���� Controlled Industrial Waste
48�F�Ǘ��^������ Landfill Site for Domestic Wastes and Industrial Wastes (Leachate-Controlled Type)
49�F�����K�X�� Gasification by Dry Distillation
50�F�K���X�����y�ѓ����킭�� Waste Glass and Ceramics

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