MBA en inglés
Business Management 

MBA in English

  • Young Professional
  • Full Time - English
  • 60 ECTS
  • Oct. 2024 - 12 months
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This master's degree is taught in ENGLISH

In a world as globalized as ours, with intensifying competition, the constant emergence of new players, and transformation driven by technological advances, boost your skills with a unique program that perfectly integrates all the required knowledge about managing and running companies with the three big pillars that will underpin the business of the future: Technology, Data Management and Sustainability.

There is huge demand for talented leaders with a future-oriented vision, equipped to develop the organization’s strategy within the current context.

With the help of EAE Business School Madrid’s MBA in Spanish and the different experiences it encompasses, you will gain confidence to make decisions and get the executive training required to fully develop your professional potential.

Whether your goal is to take on senior positions, change sector or work abroad, at the end of this Master, you will be equipped to achieve these goals and excel in them.



On successful completion of your program, you will receive a double qualification: the MBA from EAE Business School and the Master's Degree in Senior Management from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE)

Partner académico-Unie Universidad

*Official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and SUNEDU.

Enroll now and start enjoying your career boosting plan.*

From the moment of your enrollment we will start working together in the materialization of your professional project through a personalized development plan. Are you going to miss it? Request information and we will explain it to you.

*This service applies only to on-site programs.

Personalize your MBA
Choose between 12-15-18 months
  • MBA 12 meses

    12 MONTHS

    Program + Minor

  • Modalidad Exponential MBA

    15 MONTHS

    Program + Minor + Emeritus + Coach + Mentor + Residential Program

  • International Exponential MBA

    18 MONTHS

    Program + Minor + Emeritus + Coach + Mentor + Dual Degree

Reasons to take this master

in EAE Business School
  1. Exponential Experiences: As well as all the advantages of this unique program, you will also have the chance to benefit from exponential experiences. Choose between a 12, 15 or 18 month MBA program and access unique services designed to accelerate your professional progress even further.
  2. MBA career path:  Build a professional career with present and future projection with our career path programme. Make the most of your job opportunities abroad, with a personalised career plan.  
  3. EAE Emprende: We offer you the EAE Lab, our own business incubator that provides you with training, advice and funding to carry out your project with full guarantees.  
  4. Business game: Access a simulator where you can recreate business challenges and situations. Put your skills into practice from the perspective of an executive.  
  5. International residential programs: You will have the opportunity to round off your studies by taking part in residential programs in the USA, Asia and Europe to benefit from unique experiences that include expanding your knowledge, company visits, networking, and much more. 
  6. Networking: You will have the chance to expand you network of professional contacts. You will meet executives and professionals from leading companies such as Amazon, Deloitte, Estée Lauder, Lego, IBM, Correos, and Grupo Santander, to name just a few.
  7. True Potential Experience: Enjoy an experience that combines the MBA in English with a Personalized Professional Development Plan, guided by a True Potential Advisor, who will help you find, focus and develop your true potential.
Career Boost
our students change sectors after their MBA
our students change their Country of Residence after MBA
our students change jobs after their MBA
MBA recognised by National and International rankings
  • QS Logo

    5th Best MBA in Spain

  • América Economía

    5th best MBA in Spain and 31 World


    Top 4 MBA in Spain and 25 in the World

  • Ranking Forbes "Mejores programas de posgrado"

    6th best MBA in Spain

  • bloomberg

    6th best MBA in Spain

  • Eduniversal

    6th best MBA in Spain

best MBA in Spain

MBA América Economía Ranking 2022 

best MBA in Spain

MBA Forbes Ranking 2021-22 

Top 25
MBA in the world/Europe

CNN Expansión MBA Ranking 2021-22 

Student Profile
International participants
3 years
Average professional experience



  • New Paradigms in the Current Economic Environment.
  • Key Challenges for Organizations.
  • Understanding Geopolitics and Its Impact on Organizations.
  • Emerging Markets and Their Role in the Global Economic Environment.
  • The Latin America, USA, and China Triangle.
  • Globalization: Current State, Challenges, and Impact on Global Supply Chains.
  • Deglobalization and the Business Environment.
  • Interdependence and Global Organizations.

  • What It Means to Be a Manager: Skills, Knowledge, and Decisions.
  • Business Models Looking to the Future.
  • The Changing World and Its Impact on Business.
  • The Political, Legal, and Technological Environment.
  • Formulation and Implementation of Strategies: Concepts and Tools.
  • Good Citizenship in Business.
  • Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures.
  • Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances.
  • Data, Information, Knowledge, and Innovation: The New Source of Competitive Advantage.
  • Platforms and Technologies in International Business Management.
  • Data Management and Regulations for International Business.

  • Advanced Leadership Theories and Models.
  • Leadership and Organizational Strategy.
  • Leading Change and Transformation.
  • Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making.
  • Strategic Thinking and Innovation.
  • Leading High-Performance Teams.
  • Leadership in a Global Context: Multicultural Leadership.
  • Leadership in Crisis Situations and Risk Management.
  • Developing a Personal Leadership Philosophy.
  • Future Trends in Senior Leadership.

  • Advanced Accounting.
  • Preparation and analysis of financial statements.
  • Asset Valuation.
  • Investment analysis.
  • Financing decisions.
  • Financial policy planning for the organization.
  • Green bonds and ESG criteria.
  • The impact of technologies on financial decision-making.

  • Strategic Marketing and Value Creation
    • Market Research
    • Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
    • Marketing Strategies
    • Marketing Policies: The 8Ps
    • Digital Marketing
    • Innovation: Introduction to Design Thinking
    • Project Management and Marketing Applied
  • Data-driven Marketing
    • Data Analysis
    • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Characteristics and advantages landscape of data-driven organizations.
  • Data Collection and Storage.
  • Data Analysis and Advanced Statistics.
  • Data Visualization.
  • Ethics and Responsibility in Data Usage.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making.
  • Data Project Management.
  • Leadership in Data-Driven Organizations.
  • Emerging Trends in Data-Driven Organizations
  • Enterprise Data Management
  • Data-Driven Culture and Organizational Change
  • Data Ethics and Privacy
  • Data Applications in Decision-Making
  • Data Risk Management and Security Developing a Data-Driven Business Strategy

  • In a disruptive global environment: Objectives and fundamental decisions in Operations Strategy.
  • Strategic Global Supply Chain Management.
  • Tactical Global Supply Chain Management.
  • Resource allocation and reallocation: Theory of Constraints and Learning Curves.
  • Strategic outsourcing operations management.
  • Operational management of E-Commerce companies: Logistic Marketing.
  • Logistical sustainability and quality management.
  • Technological innovation in the field of Operations.
  • Information systems in Operations.
  • Decision-making in Operations.

  • Introduction to Organizational Behavior and its Impact on the Company.
  • Theories of Individual Behavior.
  • Leadership and Decision-Making in Organizations.
  • Organizational Culture and Diversity.
  • Organizational Change Processes.
  • Resistance to Change and Management Strategies.
  • Communication in Change and Conflict Situations.
  • Ethics in Organizational Behavior and Change Management.
  • The Role of Leadership in Change.
  • Technological Trends in Change Management.
  • Formulation of Change Strategies.
  • Implementation and Communication of Change.
  • Evaluation of the Impact and Effectiveness of Change.

  • External Academic Internships - 6 ECTS

  • Final Master´s Thesis – 6 ECTS
MBA Experiences at EAE Madrid
Exponential MBA
International Exponential MBA

3 Territories to conquer

1. Change management

You will develop the power to anticipate and the ability to adapt to change, essential qualities in the current scenario.

2. Global and innovative approach

You will know how to implement new technologies and be able to manage based on flexibility and the demands of new markets and society.

3. Goal-oriented leadership

You will develop skills for positive, goal-oriented leadership. For example, you will develop teamwork skills, motivation, internal and external communication, business ethics and CSR.


Alejandro de Pablo

Alejandro de Pablo

Program Director. Mentor - Advisor - PhD, Associate Professor - Digital and Business Development. Over 25 years’ experience in the sectors of mass market, entertainment, learning and media.

Daniel Esguevilla

Daniel Esguevillas

Strategic Alliance Consultant for the European Commission and a Startup Consultant at UnLtd España. An expert in strategic innovation with over 10 years’ experience as a project manager and advanced consultancy service director.

Foto Esther González Arnedo

Esther González Arnedo

Bachelor Degree in Psychology. Master in Strategic Management. Over 25 years’ experience in HR Management in multinational settings, family companies and consultancies.

Mario Weitz

Mario Weitz Schneir

Director General of Consulta Abierta, Former Advisor at the International Monetary Fund and International Conference Speaker on Global Economics.

Luis Expósito

Luis Expósito Sáez

Founder of a chain of DIY stores. 25 years’ experience in senior positions of Financial and General Management in different companies.

Alexia de la Morena

Alexia de la Morena

CEO of Neuromarketing Attraction, PhD, CTO at BrainSigns, Professor at EAE Business School.

Ángel del Castillo

Ángel del Castillo

CEO/FMCG/Retailing/E-commerce/Advisory Board Member/Global Management Education/PhD (ANECA).

Juan Carlos Higueras

Juan Carlos Higueras

Over 30 years’ experience working for top-level classes such as Telefónica, Arthur Andersen and leading consultancies. He is currently the Managing Director at Ozono Capital Partners.

Manuel Antonio Fernández-Villacañas

Manuel Antonio Fernández-Villacañas Marín

Professor in Operations and Logistics Management, International Consultant in Strategy, Intelligence, Logistics and Security, and Colonel in the Spanish Air Force (R).

Professional prospects and entry profile

  • What you study here and now will have an impact on your career tomorrow. Start imagining your future and take a look at some of the professional prospects that await you. 

    • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) 
    • Marketing Director 
    • Commercial Director 
    • Product Manager 
    • Brand Manager 
    • Category manager 
    • Key Account Manager 
    • Direct Marketing Manager 
    • Trade Marketing Manager 
    • Marketing Technician 
    • Commercial Technician 
  • The master's degree is preferably aimed at university graduates in the following areas:

    • Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
    • Degree in Financial and Actuarial Economics
    • Degree in Accounting and Finance
    • Degree in Economics
    • Diploma in Business Science
    • Degree in Engineering or Industrial Organisation 
    • Double Degrees in Law and Business Administration and Management
    • Other degrees or official qualifications that include finance or business economics subjects in their syllabus.

    In any case, students who wish to access the master's degree with a previous qualification other than those listed above or who have not taken official master's degree programmes that include the fundamentals of these qualifications, must take complementary courses in order to improve their knowledge in basic and specific marketing management subjects. These complementary courses will be compulsory and will be taken before the first semester of the master's degree.

EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., will process your personal information to contact you and to inform you about the program of your choice for the upcoming two terms. Afterwards, your data will be deleted.

You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to EAE MADRID CENTRO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, S.L.U., Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to [email protected]. Likewise, if the interested party considers it appropriate, they can lodge a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to [email protected], or by post to Grupo Planeta, At.: Data Protection Manager, AVENIDA DIAGONAL, 662-664.