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电视直播 - DW English

电视直播 - DW English

REV — Why Bosnians only drive Volkswagen

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03:15 UTC
REVWhy Bosnians only drive Volkswagen
Why is the VW Golf so adored in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Some people say that Golf's legendary status here was born during Bosnia's war of independence in the 90s.  But the story goes back far further than that. We take a trip to find out more.
03:30 UTC
DocFilmPolluted and Poisoned - Poland’s Vistula at Risk
The toxic legacy of a former Polish company is endangering the Vistula River. A geoscientist at the University of Krakow warns of ticking time bomb for flora and fauna. The river’s entire ecosystem is threatened with eradication.
04:00 UTC
DW NewsNews