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Open Access Books

As one of the largest independent academic publishers of open access books, we combine vast experience with a commitment to furthering developments in open access publishing.

Why choose De Gruyter to publish your open access book?

  • We are committed to sound peer review, rigorous editorial practices, and high-quality author services.
  • We combine well-established workflows and our experiences in book publishing with a dedication to our authors’ individual needs.
  • We care about the best dissemination and visibility and publish all open access books with a Creative Commons license.
  • We comply with all research funder requirements.
  • In addition to the freely available e-book, all our open access books are published as a high-quality print edition as well.

Open access book publication charges

We calculate our open access fees individually based on the manuscript and the requested services.

For open access monographs and collected volumes, our fees start at about 7.000€ plus VAT. Possible additional costs depend on the type of the book (size, complexity, services required).

Please contact the appropriate editorial office for a specific offer.

Our services for open access books

De Gruyter offers authors and institutions the same comprehensive and quality services for open access books as for our traditional publications.

In addition to the freely available e-books, all our open access books are published in print. As author or contributor, you are entitled to complimentary print copies when publishing open access.

Close editorial guidance and support
  • Advice and support of the authors/editors during the entire publication process by a dedicated in-house editorial staff, comprising subject matter experts
  • Professional project management until publication
  • Open access publishing contract: Authors retain full copyright and choose Creative Commons License
  • Support with grant applications for OA publications
  • Ensuring compliance to funder requirements
Quality assurance
  • Organization and coordination of quality assurance processes, e.g. peer review
  • Copyediting (upon request, requires additional charges)
Production and publication
  • Professional typesetting (possible additional charges depending on manuscript complexity)
  • Cover design
  • Indexing by external indexer (upon request, requires additional charges)
  • Image editing and redrawing (upon request, requires additional charges)
  • Integration of multimedia content (upon request, requires additional charges)
  • Open access books are published as PDF and ePub with a Creative Commons license on
  • DOI registration on a book and chapter level
  • ISBN registration
Distribution and dissemination
  • Product website and free download on
  • Long-time archiving through Portico and German National Library
  • Submission to the OAPEN library
  • Indexing by Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
  • Submission of deposit copies to the German National Library and the Berlin Central and Regional Library
  • Book registration at the Library of Congress
  • Storing and providing metadata to libraries and the book trade (MARC 21/ONIX)
  • Dissemination of metadata through Library Discovery Systems and A&I services such as EBSCO, ExLibris, OCLC, ProQuest/Serials Solutions, Suweco CZ, TDNet, Yewno
  • Provision of usage statistics (upon request)
  • Integration of the publication into a curated, high-quality publishing list
  • Individual product website on, clearly identified as an open access publication
  • Integration into review newsletters
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO optimization
  • Presentation at international conferences

Collaborative open access funding models

We are dedicated to implementing innovative and sustainable funding models for open access publishing. In order to enable more scholars to publish their book publications immediately in open access, we are working with academic libraries and research funders to develop new funding models. Our open access transformation packages allow more authors to publish in open access with us, independently from their personal funds and institutional affiliation.

Contact Us

If you are interested in publishing an open access book with us, please contact our editorial teams for a specific offer.

Maria Zucker
Manager Open Access Books

Learn more about our services

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