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Das kritische Erbe der theologia crucis in der Versöhnungslehre angesichts feministischer Kritik und black theology. Heinrich Assels Elementare Christologie 1

From the book Christology Revised

  • Christine Svinth-Værge Põder


This contribution explores the critical legacy of the theologia crucis in a discussion of Heinrich Assel’s Elementare Christologie, with special regard to the doctrine of atonement. It takes its point of departure from the opening question of Assel’s Christology: where should Christology begin? - and elaborates the facets of the orientating hermeneutical approach, with its starting point in concrete experiences and religious and social practices using the name Jesus Christ as a point of orientation. In addition, this contribution explores the affinities of this approach to approaches of contextual theologies, employing the theologia crucis as a focal point of critical hermeneutics with contemporary, practical, experiential pertinence. From this angle, Assel’s attentiveness towards contingency and social and religious imaginaries become significant for a theological interpretation of atonement and substitution in the face of contemporary challenges.

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