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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter 2024

15 Integrated Research Approach of the Lighthouse Project EnStadt:Pfaff

From the book Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts

  • Bettina Dech-Pschorn , Gerhard Stryi-Hipp , Thomas Anton , Frank Elberzhager , Rolo Fütterer and Christian Persohn


The development of sustainable climate-neutral neighbourhoods requires new technical concepts and the willingness of stakeholders to develop and implement forwardlooking solutions. In order to develop neighbourhood solutions that meet the major challenges such as climate change and the digitalisation of the working world, integrated technical solutions for the energy, mobility and digitalisation sectors are required on the one hand, and increased cooperation between the various stakeholders in the development of the forward-looking concepts on the other. In the EnStadt:Pfaff project, a comprehensive research approach was therefore chosen in which the most important elements of climate- neutral neighbourhoods and their interactions as well as the development processes are examined. Using the Pfaff Quarter as an example, technical concepts are developed, new technologies are researched and demonstrated, future requirements for neighbourhoods are investigated and development processes are analysed. The Pfaff Quarter is a 19- hectare former factory site in a central location of Kaiserslautern that is being developed into a residential and commercial area. The aim of the project is to derive recommendations for other neighbourhoods on how to proceed in order to achieve climate neutrality.

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
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