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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Saur 2022

7 Focus on Inquiry: An Information Search Process Model Adapted for Alberta

From the book Global Action for School Libraries

  • Jennifer L. Branch-Mueller and Dianne Oberg


Focus on Inquiry: A Teacher’s Guide to Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning was developed by educators and researchers in Alberta, Canada to support kindergarten to twelfth grade (K-12) educators in engaging students in inquiry-based learning. Focus on Inquiry is an instructional model, based on research from education on the learning process and from library and information science on the information search process, and strongly influenced by Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process (ISP). The experience of classroom teachers and teacher-librarians was valuable in developing a model that was researchbased but very practical in its pedagogical approach. The development of Focus on Inquiry is a story of collaboration between school-based educators, university- based researchers, professional association leaders, and government administrators.

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