Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
Middle of the Road
| Dĺžka : 02:57
Autor: Harold Stott
Skladateľ: Harold Stott
Táto skladba je na 10 nasledovných albumoch:
The Definitive 70's (seventies)
Middle of the Road
The Definitive 70's
Middle of the Road
Skibox Top 100
Middle of the Road
Cuentame Como Paso - La Generacion De Los 70
Middle of the Road
RTL-Club - Hits Of The 70s
Middle of the Road
Middle of the Road
Best Of The 70's
Middle of the Road
Hit Radio - Radio Hits Vol. 2
Middle of the Road
Bild Oldies
Middle of the Road
The Collection
Middle of the Road