Symphonies, No. 3, 5 & 8 |
English Works for Viola & Orchestra |
Szokolay Sándor: Hamlet (Live)
Boros Misi önálló koncertje (A Virtuózok felfedezettje, Live Version) |
Vajda János: Mario és a varázsló
Erkel: Hunyadi Laszlo
Dohnanyi: Tante Simona |
Polgar, Laszlo: Mozart Aria Recital
Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night's Dream (A) (Excerpts) / Hebrides / Songs Without Words |
Béla Bartók: Concerto II. For Piano and Orchestra
Béla Bartók: Concerto III. For Piano And Orchestra
Áldjad én lelkem az Urat
Béla Bartók: Concerto I. For Piano And Orchestra
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Wedding March
Mendelssohn: Symphony #4 - Midsummer Night's Dream |