Mass in C minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Rev. and reconstr. by H.C. Robbins Landon : Mozart: Mass in C minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Rev. and reconstr. by H.C. Robbins Landon: Gloria: Qui tollis
Academy of St Martin in the Fields Chorus
Academy Of St Martin In The Fields
Sir Neville Marriner
| Durată : 05:19
Autor: Anonymous
Compozitor: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Această piesă se află pe 2 următoarele albume:
Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor; Vesper K.321
Academy of St Martin in the Fields Chorus
Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor; Vesper K.321
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus