Boogie Woogie Stomp
Albert Ammons
| Durată : 03:26
Compozitor: Albert Ammons
Această piesă se află pe 10 următoarele albume:
The First Day
Albert Ammons
The History of Blue Note, 70th Anniversary
Albert Ammons
Blue Boogie: Boogie Woogie, Stride And The Piano Blues
Albert Ammons
Best Jazz 100
Albert Ammons
Alle 40 Goed - Oorlogsjaren
Albert Ammons
Classique 21 présente La Route du Blues
Albert Ammons
Blue Note Story
Albert Ammons
Klara Best Of Jazz Vol.2
Albert Ammons
Play - Boogie Woogie
Albert Ammons
Stride, Boogie and Swing
Albert Ammons