Autor: Karl Williams - Jsuis Roman - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - David Brown - Jaber Al Mulla / Compositores: Karl Williams - Jsuis Roman - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - David Brown - Jaber Al Mulla
Autor: Austine North - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Jeffrey Alvarez - Adel Ahmed Al Khawaled / Compositores: Austine North - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Jeffrey Alvarez - Adel Ahmed Al Khawaled
Autor: Pancho the Great - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Jeffrey Alvarez - Michael Joseph Taylor / Compositores: Pancho the Great - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Jeffrey Alvarez - Michael Joseph Taylor
Autor: Pancho the Great - Subspace - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Tony Gittens / Compositores: Pancho the Great - Subspace - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Tony Gittens
Autor: Karl Williams - Jsuis Roman - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - David Brown - Jaber Al Mulla / Compositores: Karl Williams - Jsuis Roman - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - David Brown - Jaber Al Mulla
Autor: EXOTIC MUZIK CHRIS - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Bryan R Smith - Christopher James Gholson - Corion Dews-Houston / Compositores: EXOTIC MUZIK CHRIS - Abdul Wahab Al Muzayen - Bryan R Smith - Christopher James Gholson - Corion Dews-Houston