Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata BWV 147 : J.S. Bach: Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata BWV 147: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
Peter White
George Guest
| Czas trwania : 07:23
Kompozytor: Johann Sebastian Bach
Utwór znajduje się na 10 albumach:
Choral Adagios
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
Popular Classics
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
Most Essential Classical Music Greats
Peter White
The World of Wedding Music
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
Classical Music For A Classic Wedding
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
101 Relaxing Classics
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
101 Bach
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
The World of Bach
The Choir of St John’s Cambridge
Choral Adagios
Choir Of St. John's College, Cambridge
The World of Wedding Music
Choir Of St. John's College, Cambridge