315 fanów
The Green Man (TGM) (Heiner Kruse) reminds you not to forget your
intuition and inner voice. He makes music with vibes. It might be
classified as or is influenced by: Drum & Bass, Dub, Electronic, Jazz,
Reggae, Hip Hop, Classical and Cinematic music. His music is/was
released on Basswerk, Dread Uk, Combination, Soundtrax, Sudden Def,
Certificate 18, Junglegrowers, Metro Breaks and others (mind different
ways of writing the name). Albums & Compilations: Basswerk Sessions
(BWS) Vol. 1 (1998), "You Decide" (2001), BWS2 (2003), BWS3 (2008),
"Sound Power (2013). In February/ March 2019 his album with Kingz (The
Green Man & Kingz - Changes) followed by: The Green Man presents: 22
Years of Basswerk/ The Collab Sessions on Feb 22nd including several
singles and videos were released. The albums feature collab tracks by
TGM with: Aquasky, David Boomah, Brian Brainstorm, Chevy, Digital,
FR33M4N, DJ Freeze, Gourski, Kammerchor des KMGV (Kölner
Männer-Gesang-Verein), Kingz, Klute, Maria Kublashvili, (MC)
Navigator, Numinos, Thorsten Quaeschning (Tangerine Dream), Ultima C,
Gregor Schwellenbach, Seibel, Skarra Mucci, Triou and Zera. Basswerk’s
22 years anniversary project received a funding form Kulturamt Koeln
and took more than 2 years to finish. 2019 will see more releases of
TGM collabs with Navigator, Bermooda, Digital, Daddy Freddy and others
as part of the project.