The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2 : Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia / Act 4. Tableau 2: Budi s nami zdes' voveki (
Yuri Marusin
Galina Gorchakova
Nikolai Ohotnikov
Mariinsky Chorus
Mariinsky Orchestra
Valery Gergiev
| Duur : 02:23
Schrijver: Vladimir Belsky
Componist: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Dit nummer komt voor op de 7 volgende albums:
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend Of The Invisible City Of Kitezh
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: 5 Operas
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Invisible City of Kitezh
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend Of The Invisible City Of Kitezh
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: 5 Operas
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Invisible City of Kitezh (3 CDs)
Yuri Marusin
Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend Of The Invisible City Of Kitezh
Yuri Marusin