Jean-Yves Prieur, aka Kid Loco, is a French musician and producer with an atypical background. Key figure of the French electronic scene, he stands out for his unique style, mixing Trip-Hop, Electro and rock influences.
Activist in the French underground, he started in music by co-founding the label Bondage Records in 1982 which introduced bands such as Bérurier Noir, Ludwig Von 88 and Washington Dead Cats to the French alternative scene. Member of the protean Mega Reefeer Scratch group, the man then called Kid Bravo composes experimental music at the crossroads of rock and electro. Amazed by the beginnings of instrumental Hip-Hop by DJ Shadow, Kid Loco experiments sampling techniques.
This new musical journey will give birth in 1996 to the mini-album “Blues Project”, released on Yellow Productions. Venturing ever further into a psychedelic universe, he released his first album “A Grand Love Story” in 1997 under the name Kid Loco. Praised by both French and international critics, this album established itself as an essential album on the global Electronic and Trip-Hop scene.
This album will be followed by 7 others and a Soundtrack for the movie “The Graffiti Artist” by director James Bolton.
In November 2024, Kid Loco will unveil his new album, "Concrete Islands, Lies & Vanities" on Balagan Music / Wagram Music. Entirely Trip Hop, with a cinematographic atmosphere, this record is a return to his basics in the tradition of his legendary album “A Grand Love Story”. Among the notable guests on this album, we find the London legend Don Letts, the voice of Trip-Hop Horace Andy and Lex Amor. Lisa Li-Lund, Louise Quinn, Olga Kouklaki, and Annie O’Connell bring the feminine touch that has always been a hallmark of the Kid from Belleville's albums. Breakbeat, groovy bass, captivating vocals and layers of synthesizers are all emblematic elements of the Kid Loco universe which make this album a must-have in his discography.