Who Took The Merry Out Of Christmas
The Staple Singers
| Duración : 02:29
Compositor: Deanie Parker
Esta canción pertenece a los 10 siguientes álbumes:
Christmas In Soulsville
The Staple Singers
Santa Claus Wants Some Loving
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The Christmas Dinner Album
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Silent Night - A Gospel Christmas - Modern Christmas Classics
The Staple Singers
Christmas In Soulsville
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Santa Claus Wants Some Loving
The Staple Singers
The Complete Stax / Volt Soul Singles, Vol. 2: 1968-1971
The Staple Singers
The Complete Stax / Volt Soul Singles, Vol. 2: 1968-1971
The Staple Singers
The Complete Stax / Volt Soul Singles, Vol. 2: 1968-1971
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Christmas Blues
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