The Splendour of Florence with a Burgundian Resonance
Echoes of an Old Hall
Nowell synge we bothe al and som
The Dufay spectacle
Mary star of the sea
A Laurel for Landini
The unknown lover
The Unknown Lover: Songs by Solage and Machaut |
The Earliest Songbook in England (c. 1200): Cambridge University Library MS Ff.I.17(1) |
Masters of the Rolls: Music by English Composers of the 14th Century |
Jerusalem, Vision of Peace: Songs & Plainchant from the Time of the Crusades |
La Rue: Missa De Feria & Missa Sancta Dei genitrix
The Spirits of England & France 5: 15th-Century English Music |
The Spirits of England & France 4: Missa Caput and the Story of the Salve regina |
The Spirits of England & France 3: Binchois and His Contemporaries |