Martin Baker Plays Live at Lincoln Cathedral |
Locklair: Requiem & Other Choral Works |
Pictures at an Exhibition |
Vexilla regis: A Sequence of Music from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday
Sheppard: Media vita & Other Sacred Music
Alonso Lobo: Lamentations & Other Sacred Music
Byrd: The 3 Masses; Ave verum corpus
MacMillan: Tenebrae Responsories & Other Choral Works
Miserere: A Sequence of Music for Lent, St Joseph & the Annunciation
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee - Royal Music from Westminster Abbey |
Victoria: Missa De Beata Maria Virgine & Missa Surge propera
Favourite Hymns from Westminster Abbey
Palestrina: Missa Tu es Petrus & Missa Te Deum laudamus
From the Vaults of Westminster Cathedral
Palestrina: Lamentations for Easter, Book 3