1082 fanoušků
R.I.P. (2000 - 2003)
Short but ever so sweet, rarely in dance music has an act had such a profound and long term impact. Closer Musik aka Matias Aguayo and Dirk Leyers came up with what's arguably the most imaginative electronic-pop music in Kompakt's history. Mood and moments characterized their simple yet elegant musical prose - whether it be the added elements of vocals or acoustic instruments, they managed to configure a profound organic aspect that was eagerly lapped up by a community at that time doused in technology driven, derivative dance music.
Closer Musik's music still carries on to this day whether be in the sets of the countless DJ's that continue to play 'Maria' or living room stereo speakers around the world. Their music touched countless hearts and is missed but thankfully resonates clearly in both musicians independent productions.