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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
Within this website:
External resources:
Within this website:
External resources:
  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography

Christina Schwarz

Field of Duties

  • Administrative Seminar Management
  • Administrative management of Summer Schools, Research Meetings, and Research Guests
  • Editorial Office
Christina Schwarz

[email protected]


Editorial Assistant [email protected]

Seminar Management

Dagstuhl Office Secretary [email protected]

Contact Research Guests

Contact Other Events

Contact Summer School

[email protected]

Saarbrücken Office

Geschäftsstelle Schloss Dagstuhl
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus E1 1, Räume U13-U24
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

+49 6871 / 905 208