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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
Within this website:
External resources:
Within this website:
External resources:
  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography

Covid-19 Prevention Measures

Schloss Dagstuhl wants all guests to feel as comfortable and safe as possible during their stay. In general, we ask all guests to decide responsibly about seminar participation or cancellation.

  • We recommend you to only come to Dagstuhl if you are fully immunized against SARS-CoV-2 and that you conduct a Covid-(self-)test before your trip to Dagstuhl.
  • At the reception, you can obtain lateral flow Covid self-tests for use during your stay.
  • If you have a positive test or notice any symptoms as can occur with Covid-19, please retire to your room and use the phone to inform a member of Schloss Dagstuhl staff. Schloss Dagstuhl will then coordinate further action (a voluntary isolation quarantine due to a positive test on site can be spent in Schloss Dagstuhl at cost price).

Schloss Dagstuhl will continue to carefully observe and evaluate the situation and will consider to strengthen prevention measures as required.

Last updates June 6, 2023

With the end of the pandemic emergency as declared by the WHO, most regulations have been dropped.