FAQ | Cureus

Do I have to give Cureus the copyright to my article?

No. All content on Cureus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

How much does it cost to publish on Cureus?

Cureus expects all submissions to adhere to our rigorous formatting and language requirements. Approximately one-third of all accepted submissions meet these requirements and are published with zero editing fees. Articles with too many errors will require the purchase of our Preferred Editing service, which covers the substantial time, communication and editing needed on our end. Due to the editorial work involved, all review articles submitted to Cureus require the purchase of Preferred Editing.

How does the paid editing service work?

Please refer to our Preferred Editing Service page for details.

How much does it cost to read articles on Cureus?

Cureus provides Gold Open Access. We offer free access to all articles immediately upon publication, as we strongly believe that science should not be locked behind a paywall.

What is SIQ™ (Scholarly Impact Quotient™)?

In addition to pre-publication peer review, articles can be rated by a broad cross-section of users after publication.

Each article accumulates a post-publication proprietary rating, or "Scholarly Impact Quotient" (SIQ). SIQ is an evolving reflection of an article's true scientific impact as judged by the medical community-at-large. SIQ ratings from relevant specialists are weighted more heavily than those from non-experts.

How do I promote my research after it's been published?

There are a number of tools and strategies that authors can use to promote their research. We outline these suggestions on our “Article Sharing Guide” page.

Cureus also offers a social media promotional add-on, or boost, for eligible published articles at an additional cost. To check your Article Promotion eligibility status, visit your author dashboard and view your published articles.

What types of articles are most appropriate for Cureus?

Cureus accepts original articles, review articles, technical reports, case reports, and editorials from over 60 recognized medical specialties. With Cureus, you can be confident that medical colleagues, fellow researchers and patients can now find and access your article, no matter how specialized the topic. For more information on specific article types, please refer to our Author Guide.

Where is Cureus based?

Cureus Inc. was founded and headquartered in San Francisco/Silicon Valley. However, now the company has gone fully virtual. So even though we are now distributed across the world, we still hold true to the Silicon Valley startup culture. We can hire without geographic limits, work more efficiently, pivot quickly and our products and services are better for it.

Please see below for our corporate/mailing address.

What is our corporate address?

Cureus Inc.
1227 14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122

Who are the members of the management team and where are they based?

John R. Adler, Jr, MD, Founder, President, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Stanford, CA

Alexander Muacevic, MD, Co-Founder, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Munich, Germany

Henrik Bacho, Managing Director
San Francisco, CA

Graham Parker-Finger, Director of Publishing and Customer Success
Atlanta, GA

Zachary Smith, Director of Engineering
San Francisco, CA

What are the publishing credentials of the editors-in-chief?

Dr. Adler and Dr. Muacevic are professors and noted academics with considerable experience publishing and reviewing within peer-reviewed medical journals. Together they have more than three decades of experience serving on the editorial boards of several medical journals.

Who is individually responsible for the scientific quality of publications and how is it measured?

  1. Professor John R. Adler, Stanford University
  2. Professor Alexander Muacevic, Munich University
  3. The Cureus Editorial Board
  4. The Cureus Academic Council — a select group of world-renowned academics and past presidents from leading institutions including Stanford University, the Salk Institute, the University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins, the National University of Singapore and the American Medical Association
  5. The Cureus SIQ™ (Scholarly Impact Quotient™) rating process utilizes community crowd sourcing to accurately discern scientific quality

What is our advertising policy?

Cureus has partnered with Everyday Health and Publisher Health to serve targeted ads from healthcare companies and institutions in order to continue providing an Open Access reading experience for all readers. For more information please go to our Advertising Policy page.

What is the ISSN number for Cureus?


Is Cureus indexed in PubMed?

Yes! Cureus is indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science and more. Articles published in Cureus will appear in PubMed Central approximately six weeks after publication.