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Faff-free Terms of Use

We’re removing the faff from changing and managing cars, and we also want to make our legal documents a cinch for anyone to understand. If you have any doubts or suggestions regarding any of them, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

These are the terms that apply when you visit and use the cinch website at, all associated webpages, sites and any applications operated by cinch, including and the cinch mobile app (collectively, the Site). By using the Site, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to them, please do not use the Site.

We may amend these terms from time to time and will try to inform you if you have an account with us. However, it is your responsibility to check back for the latest version.

Our privacy notice and cookie policy also apply to your use of the Site and set out how we use personal information and cookies on the Site.

If you buy a car online from cinch, our Car Purchase Terms and Conditions will apply to your purchase of the car.

These terms do not apply to advertising or providing services through the Site. If you are a service provider or advertiser please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

Who are we?

1. The Site is operated by Cinch Cars Limited (cinch, we or us) a company registered in England and Wales (company number 11520330). Our registered office is at Form 2, 18 Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9XA. Our registered VAT number is 360909784.

If you would like to get in touch, you can find our contact details here.

Site Content

2. cinch is not free to copy or re-use. The Site and all its contents, including trademarks, symbols and slogans, text, data, databases, output from the Site (such as valuations of vehicles for sale or part-ex vehicles), still or moving images, audio-visual content, graphics or layout, whether or not registered, are owned either by cinch or by its third party licensors (in particular CAP HPI data is protected by copyright and database rights with all rights reserved to CAP HPI and third party trademarks may be used to identify the manufacturers of cars, other third party service providers (such as lenders) and partners (such as sports teams and entertainment events) and are owned by those third parties). None of the things mentioned in this section can be copied, adapted, published, or re-used (for personal or commercial use) without our permission.

3. cinch does not provide advice. cinch’s aim is to become a point of support in all phases of purchasing, changing or managing your car and so we will often provide information or reviews on the Site that we believe may be helpful to you. These materials are for research and general interest only and, together with tools such as our finance eligibility checker, should be used as a guide only and shouldn’t be relied on to make specific decisions. If you require advice on which car or services may be suitable for you, then you should consult an expert or appropriate professional who can advise on your individual circumstances.

4. cinch can’t control other sites. We want to be helpful by providing links to other services, sites or applications. But we aren’t responsible for any content, products, services, or advice you might find there, any transaction you may enter into with or through them, or how they use personal data. This includes other service providers who advertise on the Site or that we provide links to: they’re independent businesses and although we’re always happy to receive and pass on feedback of any kind, only they will be able to help if something goes wrong or you have a complaint.

5. cinch content may change or become unavailable. cinch may withdraw, remove, replace, modify or update the Site or the cinch service or any part of them at any time. Access may be subject to interruptions or delays for technical, business or legal reasons.

Use of cinch

6. cinch is for personal use only. You can browse, save or print material on the Site for your own personal use and to share with friends, family or colleagues. You agree not to use the Site, any part of it or any data obtained from it (such as valuations of vehicles for sale or part-ex vehicles or car finance credit scores) for any commercial or business purposes. What you can’t do is copy significant parts of, extract, “scrape”, trawl, data-mine, reverse engineer, mirror, adapt, re-publish, re-use, or use commercially any content, ads, information, data, output, or offers that we publish on any part of the Site, including information such as valuations of vehicles for sale or part-ex vehicles. You can’t create any hypertext links, frames, embedding, or any other links between the Site and your site or app or any other site or app without our permission. You also cannot use our Site to create, check, confirm, update, modify or amend your own or another person's databases, records or directories. You also cannot use automated software programs or robots to do any of the activities listed in this paragraph 6.

7. We continuously monitor the use of our Site and use technology to inform us of any improper or commercial use or other breaches of these terms. If we identify any improper or commercial use of the Site by you or if you are using our Site for unauthorised purposes or in breach of these terms, we (and our licensors) reserve our rights to take such action against you as we (or our licensors) see fit, which may include legal proceedings.

8. You must keep your account safe. If you create an account, then you must keep your login and password details secret and not allow anyone else to use them. You will be responsible for any use of your account whether by you or anyone else.

9. You must use cinch responsibly and legally. You must not upload to your account or any part of the Site anything that is in any way illegal, objectionable or contrary to cinch's policies, or harmful (such as viruses or malware), or that breaches any third party’s rights or any law.

10. We can cancel your account. We can cancel or suspend your access to the Site at any time for any reason, but in particular if you have not respected any of these terms, or any instructions or policies that we issue from time to time. You can cancel your account at any time by telling us or by logging in and following the process indicated.


11. When you are buying a car on the Site, please see section 17 of the Car Purchase Terms and Conditions for information in relation to our liability to you in respect of the purchase of that car. For any use of the Site except when buying a car, paragraphs 12 and 13 below will apply.

12. We limit our legal liability. To the maximum extent that the law permits, we exclude all liability whether for breach of contract, non-contractual liability or any other cause of action, for any matter arising out of or in connection with your use of, or inability to use, the Site. In particular, we will not be liable for:

  • any economic losses (e.g. loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings);

  • any loss of goodwill or reputation;

  • damage to any device or digital content; or

  • any indirect losses.

We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising due to any event outside our control. However, we do not limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any for anything else than may not be limited or excluded under applicable law and nothing in these terms shall affect your statutory rights.

13. We make no warranties. We will use reasonable care and skill in providing the Site, but the Site is provided without any other representation, endorsement or warranties of any kind. We do not represent or warrant that the Site will be error-free, free of viruses or other harmful components. Any terms that would otherwise be implied by law, course of dealing or custom, are also excluded to the extent permitted by law. For clarity, all warranties of non-infringement, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, compatibility, accuracy, availability, or being up to date or complete, are excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Personal Data

14. Find out how we process personal data. Like any other online service, we need to process personal data when you sign up for an account or interact with us. We explain everything you need to know about this in our privacy policy here.


15. We can amend these terms. Sometimes, due to developments in our business, technology, the law, or other reasons, we’ll make changes to these terms. It’s best to check back when you visit the Site to review any recent changes as we’ll assume that you agree with them if you continue to use the Site.

16. Unenforceable terms. If any provision of these terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that does not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the other provisions.

17. No other terms. These terms are the legal agreement for use of the Site and override any other discussions, documents, and anything indicated on the Site, by a customer service agent, or in any other way.

18. We can transfer our agreement with you to another party. We may do this in particular to a buyer of our business, a business that we merge with, or to another company in the Constellation Automotive Group of companies.

19. If we fall out. Use of the Site, these terms, and your interactions with us are governed by English law and if there’s no other way to resolve a dispute between us then we'll both use the English courts (though this won’t affect any protections you are entitled to under other laws that apply to you).

Last updated: 06 June 2024