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Census Fact Sheets

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Fact Sheet
How Resilient are Communities to Disasters?
The U.S. Census Bureau’s CRE provide an easily understood metric for how at-risk every neighborhood in the United States is to the impacts of COVID-19.
Fact Sheet
2020 Census Count Question Resolution Operation
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
2020 年人口普查人数问题解决操作
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
2020 年人口普查統計問題解決操作
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
2020년 센서스 인구조사 집계 문제 해결 작업
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Akcja Rozwiązywania Zapytań nt. Zliczeń Spisu Ludności 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Hoạt Động Giải Đáp Thắc Mắc Về Các Thống Kê Từ Thống Kê Dân Số 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Operación de Resolución de Preguntas del Conteo del Censo del 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Operasyon Rezoud Kesyon nan Kontay Resansman 2020 an
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Operasyong Pagresolba sa Tanong sa Bilang ng 2020 Senso
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Operação de Resolução do Questionamento da Contagem do Censo de 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Opération Résolution des questions sur le décompte du Recensement 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Операция по разрешению вопросов о подсчете в ходе Переписи населения
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
عملية حل أسئلة تعداد 2020
The 2020 Census CQR gives tribal, state, and local governments an opportunity to request a review of their official 2020 Census counts.
Fact Sheet
Data Quality and the 2020 Census
Ensuring the quality of the census results is built into every step of conducting the census.
Fact Sheet
La calidad de los datos y el Censo del 2020
Asegurar la calidad de los resultados del censo es parte de cada paso en la realización del censo.
Fact Sheet
Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey
The Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) will be conducted in 2022 and will collect data on the sampled truck’s characteristics and use during 2021.
Fact Sheet
Comparing Differential Privacy With Older Disclosure Avoidance Methods
Differential privacy, first developed in 2006, is a framework for measuring the precise disclosure risk associated with each release of confidential data.
Fact Sheet
Protecting the Confidentiality of 2020 Census Redistricting Data
By law, we must ensure that we don’t release information that could identify your information in the statistics we publish.
Fact Sheet
Differential Privacy and the 2020 Census
Differential privacy is a mathematical approach inspired by modern cryptography principles that disguises an individual’s identity in published data.
Fact Sheet
La privacidad diferencial y el Censo del 2020
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. ha mejorado y fortalecido la manera en que protegemos la privacidad de las personas cuando responden a encuestas y censos.
Fact Sheet
En quoi consistent les données du redécoupage électoral ?
Le recensement apporte des décomptes de la population nécessaire au redécoupage des limites des circonscriptions législatives.
Fact Sheet
Dane do Zmiany Granic Okręgów Wyborczych - Wstęp
Urząd Spisu Ludności dostarczy stanom, Dystryktowi Kolumbii i Portoryko zliczenia populacji potrzebne do ponownego nakreślenia granic okręgów legislacyjnych.
Fact Sheet
Data sa Muling Pag-distrito 101
Ang Kawanihan ng Senso ay nagbibigay sa estado, D.C., at Puerto Rico ng bilang ng populasyon na kailangan sa pag-amyenda sa hangganan ng lehislasyon ng mga ito.
Fact Sheet
Dữ Liệu Tái Phân Chia Khu Vực 101
Cục Thống Kê Dân Số cung cấp kết quả thống kê dân số cần thiết cho các tiểu bang (state), Đặc Khu Columbia, và Puerto Rico để vẽ lại ranh giới lập pháp.
Fact Sheet
Enfòmasyon Debaz sou Redistribisyon Done
Biwo Resansman an bay eta yo, D.C., ak Pòtoriko enfòmasyon sou kantite moun ki nan popilasyon an ki nesesè pou redesine limit lejislatif yo.
Fact Sheet
Información básica sobre los datos para la redistribución legislativa
La Oficina del Censo les proporciona a los estados, al D. C. y a Puerto Rico los conteos de la población necesarios para redefinir sus límites legislativos.
Fact Sheet
O básico sobre os dados de redistribuição legislativa 101
A Agência do Censo fornece as contagens da população para que os estados (states), Washington D.C. e Porto Rico redesenhem os seus limites legislativos.
Fact Sheet
Redistricting Data 101
The Census Bureau provides states, D.C., and Puerto Rico with population counts needed to redraw their legislative boundaries.
Fact Sheet
Введение в данные для перераспределения избирательных округов
Бюро переписи предоставляет штатам (state), округу Колумбия и Пуэрто-Рико подсчет населения для изменения границ избирательных округов в законодательные органы.
Fact Sheet
区画改定データの基本 101
Fact Sheet
重划选区数据基本信息 101
Fact Sheet
重劃選區資料基本資訊 101
Fact Sheet
선거구 획정 데이터 101
센서스국은 주(states), 콜럼비아 특별구(D.C.) 및 푸에르토리코의 입법 경계선을 변경하는 데 필요한 인구 수를 제공합니다.
Fact Sheet
ﺑﯿﺎﻧﺎت إﻋﺎدة ﺗﻘﺴﯿﻢ اﻟﻤﻨﻄﻘﺔ إدار ًﯾﺎ 101
ﯾﻮﻓﺮ ﻣﻜﺘﺐ اﻹﺣﺼﺎء اﻷﻣﺮﯾﻜﻲ ﻟﻠﻮﻻﯾﺎت واﻟﻌﺎﺻﻤﺔ وﺑﻮرﺗﻮرﯾﻜﻮ اﻟﺘﻌﺪادات اﻟﺴﻜﺎﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﻼزﻣﺔ ﻹﻋﺎدة رﺳﻢ اﻟﺤﺪود اﻟﺘﺸﺮﯾﻌﯿﺔ.
Page Last Revised - November 7, 2022
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