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The NGO A. R. C. E. Hir. leads to concrete actions, participatory and social fight against food insecurity and poverty. This NGO is trying to improve the living conditions of rural populations. Their work focuses on the limitation of deforestation, conservation, protection and awareness as to preserve the genetic heritage. In addition, they document, codify and catalog traditional knowledge on plants and animal species to better improve biodiversity in the region and in the country.
Our principal objective is to help assess the biodiversity of Mediterranean Chile.
Our organization is comprised of people committed to finding a balance between the human communities and the natural environment of Central Chile as well as the entire nation.
“We are aware of the environmental challenges involved in building a society that understands the interdependence of human beings and their environment.”
Our mission is to contribute to the development of a new society that will work together to create networks among actors concerned about environmental protection. promotes both, natural values of Spanish protected areas and companies committed to sustainability within their area of influence.

Spanish protected areas attract every year more than 20 million visitors who wish for new experiences in nature. At the same time protected areas are a source for highly demanded products, as traditional specialties linked to local knowledge, high natural value farming and agro-biodiversity. These facts have induced the development of economy linked to protected areas.

Qnatur promotes a change of attitude to incorporate protected areas as a relevant input to the life cycle assessment of business, thus contributing to landscape and biodiversity conservation.
Subject(s): United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020
The first field research of basking sharks in the Mediterranean sea, conducted by MedSharks and CTS Ambiente.
Subject(s): Marine and Coastal Biodiversity

A Business Guide to Development Actors (WBCSD)
The Business Guide to Development Actors is a guide for business managers looking to work with development organizations. This document provides business-oriented profiles of organizations in the sustainable development community. The profiles are prefaced by an analysis of the expanding scope for collaboration between the private sector and development organizations.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

A Guide to Biodiversity for the Private Sector (International Finance Corporation)
Designed to help companies operating in emerging markets better understand their relationship to biodiversity issues and how they can effectively manage those issues to improve business performance and benefit from biodiversity.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Biodiversity for business: A guide to using knowledge products delivered through IUCN (2014)
IUCN and WBCSD have joined forces to develop this manual that describes the various knowledge products that exist and explain how they can help businesses in assessing, valuing, managing and reporting on businesses’ impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, and in achieving compliance with environmental standards and certification schemes.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

CITES Report on the Technical Workshop on Economic Incentives and Trade Policy
The Report was prepared by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) on behalf of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation
The Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC) is a group of leading civil society organizations, private and public sector financial institutions and academia working to deliver a material increase in private, return-seeking investment in conservation. The CPIC is developing new investment models and funding pipelines that will help close the current conservation funding gap and contribute to the global goals for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. More on related resource:
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Conceptual and Methodological Framework for Evaluating the Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation
Resolution XI/4, paragraph 23, approved during COP 11 of the CBD recognized the role of collective action, including by indigenous and local communities, and non-market-based approaches to achieving the objectives of the Convention, and requested the development of an approach to assess the contribution of local resource users and communities’ collective action to the conservation of biodiversity. This report is the first approximation of developing such a methodology.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR)
Developed by WRI, in conjunction with WBCSD and the Meridian Institute, this tool enables companies to identify business risks and opportunities arising from company’s dependence and impact on ecosystem services. Can be applied at site, market, product or sector level and can feed into Environmental Impact Assessments. Can also help identify new markets/ products. Following this, an initiative has been developed to determine how ecosystem services can be integrated into existing tools and management systems.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Corporate Ecosystem Valuation
This framework enables companies to consider the actual benefits and value of the ecosystem services they depend upon and impact, giving them new information and insights to include in business planning and financial analysis. This will support improved business decision-making by creating more alignment between the financial, ecological and societal objectives of companies. The guide operationalizes at the company level the framework proposed by The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative of the G8 Environment Ministers (2007/2010).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Corporate Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Gvces - Center for Sustainability Studies of Getulio Vargas Foundation
This tool is a initiative of GVces - Center for Sustainability Studies of Getulio Vargas Foundation, in partnership with TEEB Regional Local, GIZ, Industry National Confederation of Brazil (CNI) and Brazilian Environmental Ministry (MMA). Those guidelines were created together with a group of 19 companies with the purpose of guiding the elaboration of simplified analyses of economic valuation of ecosystem services that are able to support strategic and tactical business decisions. Easy-to-apply, quick, and low-cost methods were privileged, in such a way to, if not completely, at least partially eliminate the need for support from third party consulting firms specialized in the topic.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Corporate Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Provisioning Ecosystem Services
This document aims at complementing the Corporate Guidelines for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services (DEVESE) by describing a general method for valuation of provisioning ecosystem services that should be applied to most of the ecosystem services that are relevant for the Brazilian economy.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Cuenta Integradade Tierra y Ecosistemas (CITE)Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Económica Integrada de Guatemala
El presente documento forma parte de una serie de publicaciones que pretenden divulgar los principales hallazgos del proceso nacional de formulación del Sistema de Cuentas Ambientales y Económicas Integradas de Guatemala (SCAEI), conocido popularmente como “cuentas verdes” o “cuentas ambientales”. En esta ocasión se presentan los resultados más relevantes de la compilación, para el período 1991-2003, de la Cuenta Integrada de Tierra y Ecosistemas (CITE).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Demystifying Materiality: Hardwiring biodiversity and ecosystem services into finance
The links between financial services, risk and BES have, to date, been weak. Resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity and degradation of ecosystem services such as freshwater availability have, however, started to present financially material risks and opportunities for bankers, investors and insurers. Hardwiring BES into the heart of business models and core strategies is vital for long-term growth and success. This Briefing is intended for forward-looking financial institutions to operationalise BES in the financial sector.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounts: A Quick Start Package, Montreal, Technical Series No. 77, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (ENCA-QSP)
Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounts: A Quick Start Package (ENCA-QSP) is a comprehensive approach applicable to all ecosystems, whether natural or modified by anthropogenic activities, with the purposes of measuring the capability of delivering their services now or in the future, directly to people or as inputs to the production of commodities. ENCA-QSP covers quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of ecosystem structures and functions and ultimately measures degradation which may result from human activities or, when it happens, enhancement resulting from sound ecological management.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Ecosystem Review for Impact Assessment - World Resources Institute
"The ESR for IA is a step-by-step method for projects to identify, assess and mitigate their impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services. It is promoted by IFC as a tool to meet PS6 ("
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Good Practices for Biodiversity Inclusive Impact Assessment and Management Planning
This document is produced for project developers and their consultants responsible for preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs). It summarizes "good practices" for biodiversity inclusive impact assessment and management planning in ESIAs. The document is based on a review and synthesis of various reports and guidance documents from multi-lateral finance institutions (MFIs), government regulators, industry associations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It is not intended to replace ESIA guidance, but rather to supplement it where biodiversity is not adequately covered. This document is a companion to Good Practices for the Collection of Biodiversity Baseline Data.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability
The Performance Standards are directed towards IFC clients, providing guidance on how to identify risks and impacts, and are designed to help avoid, mitigate, and manage risks and impacts as a way of doing business in a sustainable way, including stakeholder engagement and disclosure obligations of the client in relation to project-level activities. The Performance Standards may also be applied by other financial institutions. There are eight performance standards relating to: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; Labor and Working Conditions; Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention; Community Health, Safety, and Security Performance Standard; Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement; Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources Performance; Indigenous Peoples; and Cultural Heritage.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) - Natural Capital Project
A mapping tool to enable companies, policy-makers, land managers to input and manipulate data to assess the delivery, distribution and economic value of ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity; Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice.
Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j); Endangered Species; Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation; Inland Waters Biodiversity; Invasive Alien Species; Marine and Coastal Biodiversity; Forest Biodiversity; Dry and Sub-Humid Lands Biodiversity; Business and Biodiversity

IUCN Business and Biodiversity
The Global Business and Biodiversity Programme was established in 2003 to influence and support private partners in addressing environmental and social issues. The Programme's key priority, based on a strategy approved by the IUCN Council, is to engage the business sectors that have a significant impact on natural resources and livelihoods. These include: large 'footprint' industries such as mining and oil and gas; biodiversity-dependent industries including fishing, agriculture and forestry; and, financial services and “green” enterprises such as organic farming, renewable energy and nature-based tourism. IUCN seeks to build an action-based relationship with business that goes beyond Corporate Social Responsibility obligations, addressing the root causes of environmental degradation. The Global Business and Biodiversity Programme provides a wide range of expertise. It builds bridges between stakeholders, carries out independent scientific assessments, and develops conservation policy standards and tools. IUCN's Business Engagement Strategy and its related Operational Guidelines help outline and monitor IUCN’s engagements.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
The list of threatened taxa is maintained in a searchable database by the SSC Red List Programme as part of the SSC's Species Information Service (SIS). A subset of the records is provided here through the Search and Expert Search functions on the home page
Subject(s): Invasive Alien Species; Business and Biodiversity

Markets for Natural Capital – Status Quo and Prospects
The brochure of the Global Nature Fund (GNF) and the German Environmental Aid (DUH) reveals the possibilities and limits of two models for compensating environmental impacts: Biodiversity-Offsets and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Assessments at the National and Sub-national Level by The United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Natural Capital Assessments at the National and Sub-national Level presents a stepwise guidance document to conducting a natural capital assessment. The steps presented in the guide are designed around sets of key questions, together with practical checklists of actions. The assessment process set out is designed to provide an evidence base for understanding and mapping the distribution of natural capital, evaluating its status and trends, and exploring its relationship with priority economic sectors and livelihoods. In turn the information collated through the assessment process will help to inform the development of policy targets for sustainable management and improvement of natural capital and the transition to a green economy over time.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Coalition
Overall Mandate: The Natural Capital Coalition is a global multi-stakeholder, open source platform supporting the development of methods for natural and social capital valuation in business. Its founding organizations and supporters include: the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), H.R.H The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability Project, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), WWF-UK, the Economic Development Board of Singapore, Conservation International, the Global Reporting Initiative, Global Initiatives, and the World Bank. In addition there are a wide variety of members and observers from business, associations, and other related stakeholders.


Business and Biodiversity Program: The Coalition’s activities focus on global stakeholder engagement, focused research and development of methods for natural capital accounting. The Coalition’s founding members have pioneered much of the science and business case for natural capital valuation and accounting, providing a credible platform to take the business application of this forward. These existing activities will be built on to ensure the necessary stakeholders from business, government, support organizations, academia and NGOs inform effective and pragmatic methods. This will maximise uptake and enable the transformative change that valuing natural capital in business can bring.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Finance Alliance
The Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA) was launched at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+ 20 Earth Summit) in 2012 by United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the UK-based non-governmental organization, Global Canopy Programme (GCP). It is a worldwide collaboration with the finance sector to integrate natural capital considerations into financial decision-making, financial products and services, and to work towards their inclusion in financial accounting, disclosure and reporting. NCPA strives to drive innovation and develop the tools required to better understand risks, pursue opportunities, and establish the foundation for sustainable long-term economic growth.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Hub
The Hub contains everything that’s currently going on in the world of Natural Capital. From case studies and resources to the latest news and events, keep up to date with developments and find out how other organisations are using The Protocol and Sector Guides to take control and reduce their environmental impact. Packed with cutting edge research as well as success stories, all the tools and inspiration a company needs can be found in The Hub. The Hub aims to provide a comprehensive view of the natural capital landscape. Work, analysis, comment and opinion on the Hub is not necessarily endorsed by the Coalition secretariat, or Coalition organizations.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Protocol
The Natural Capital Protocol is a framework designed to help generate trusted, credible, and actionable information for business managers to inform decisions. The Protocol aims to support better decisions by including how we interact with nature, or more specifically natural capital. The Protocol Framework covers four stages, “Why”, “What”, “How”, and “What Next”. Protocol Stages are further broken down into nine Steps, which contain specific questions to be answered when carrying out a natural capital assessment. The Protocol is applicable to any business sector, operating in any geography, at any organizational level. It allows you to measure, value and integrate natural capital into your existing business processes.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Capital Protocol toolkit
Developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the Toolkit is an interactive database that helps business find the right tool to measure and value natural capital as they use the Natural Capital Protocol. The toolkit is updated regularly and serves as a comprehensive resource for businesses to understand their existing approaches to natural capital in the context of the Protocol framework.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Natural Infrastructure for Business (WBCSD)
The aim of this platform is to strengthen the business case for investing in natural infrastructure. Natural infrastructure solutions can be not only cost-efficient and reduce a company’s risk exposure, but also have compelling co-benefits to society and the environment. The platform contains: - The business case for investing in natural infrastructure - Case studies from different industries leveraging various ecosystem services - Decision-making tools, including a cost-benefit analysis tool
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Performance Standard 6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
Performance Standard 6 recognizes that protecting and conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem services, and sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to sustainable development. The requirements set out in this Performance Standard have been guided by the Convention on Biological Diversity, which defines biodiversity as “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. The applicability of this Performance Standard is established during the environmental and social risks and impacts identification process. The implementation of the actions necessary to meet the requirements of this Performance Standard is managed through the client’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), the elements of which are outlined in Performance Standard 1.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Principles for Responsible Investment
The Principles for Responsible Investment were developed by an international group of institutional investors reflecting the increasing relevance of environmental, social and corporate governance issues to investment practices. The process was convened by the United Nations Secretary-General. In signing the Principles, investors publicly commit to adopt and implement them, where consistent with fiduciary responsibilities.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Report for SEED initiative research programme: Critical success factors and performance measures for start-up social and environmental enterprises
The SEED initiative identifies, profiles and researches promising entrepreneurial approaches to locally-led sustainable development. Their report identifies eight critical success factors and fourteen performance indicators for a rapid assessment process for social and environmental enterprises, to be either self-directed in the case of enterprise leaders, to determine whether they have the critical elements in place for successful growth.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Resource Investment Optimization System (RIOS) - Natural Capital Project
RIOS supports the design of cost-effective investments in watershed services. The Resource Investment Optimization System (RIOS) provides a standardized, science-based approach to watershed management in contexts throughout the world. It combines biophysical, social, and economic data to help users identify the best locations for protection and restoration activities to maximize the ecological return on investment, within the bounds of what is socially and politically feasible.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

Standards and Biodiversity:Thematic Review by The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
The impetus for the study came from the CBD work on "Biodiversity Impact Indicators for Commodity Production (BIICP)". The review attempts to understand the degree to which major vuluntary sustainability standards operating in the agriculture sector are aligned with the specific biodiversity-related objectives targeted by the BIICP.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Applications and Extensions
SEEA Applications and Extensions provides potential compilers and users of SEEA based environmentaleconomic accounts with material to show how this information can be used in decision making, policy review and formulation, analysis and research. SEEA Applications and Extensions is intended to provide a bridge between compilers and analysts allowing each to recognise the potential uses and the related measurement considerations.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Central Framework
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012—Central Framework (SEEA Central Framework) is a statistical framework consisting of a comprehensive set of tables and accounts, which guides the compilation of consistent and comparable statistics and indicators for policymaking, analysis and research. It has been produced and is released under the auspices of the United Nations, the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. The SEEA-Central Framework reflects the evolving needs of its users, new developments in environmentaleconomic accounting and advances in methodological research.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Experimental Ecosystem Accounting
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012—Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting) presents initial efforts to define a measurement framework for integrating biophysical data, tracking changes in ecosystems and linking those changes to economic and other human activity. It applies the accounting concepts and rules to the emerging field of ecosystem assessment and measurement in response to a wide range of demands for integrated information related to environmental sustainability, human well-being, and economic growth and development. SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting has been produced and is released under the auspices of the United Nations, the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank Group. SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting complements the conceptual framework and accounts presented in the international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting, the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012—Central Framework (SEEA Central Framework).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity study is an international initiative to draw attention to the global economic benefits of biodiversity. Its objective is to highlight the growing cost of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation and to draw together expertise from the fields of science, economics and policy to enable practical actions moving forward. TEEB aims to assess, communicate and mainstream the urgency of actions through its four deliverables; D0: science and economic foundations, policy costs and costs of inaction, D1: policy opportunities for national and international policy-makers, D2: decision support for local administrators, D3: business risks, opportunities and metrics and D4: citizen and consumer ownership.
Subject(s): Convention on Biological Diversity; Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; International Year of Biodiversity - 2010; Business and Biodiversity

The Top 100 Externalities of Businesses by the Natural Capital Coalition
The study, "Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business” was commissioned by the Natural Capital Coalition to identify the world’s largest natural capital risks and opportunities for business and their investors. The report, authored by Trucost, quantifies environmental externalities such as damages from climate change, pollution, land conversion and depletion of natural resources, across business sectors and at a regional level. It demonstrates that the profits of high impact business sectors would be wiped out if the costs of environmental damage and unsustainable natural resource use are accounted for. This report highlights the urgent need for businesses to manage natural capital assets and reduce liabilities. Businesses and investors can take account of natural capital impacts in decision making to manage risk and gain competitive advantage.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

United Nations Global Compact
Overall Mandate: The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere. With over 10,000 corporate participants and other stakeholders from over 130 countries, the Global Compact is the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in the world. Endorsed by chief executives, the Global Compact is a practical framework for the development, implementation, and disclosure of sustainability policies and practices, offering participants a wide spectrum of workstreams, management tools and resources — all designed to help advance sustainable business models and markets.


Business and Biodiversity Programme: The UN Global Compact works toward the vision of a sustainable and inclusive global economy that delivers lasting benefits to people, communities, and markets. To help realize this vision, the initiative seeks to: mainstream the Global Compact’s Ten Principles in business strategy and operations around the world and to catalyze business action in support of UN goals and issues, with emphasis on collaboration and collective action. Of these ten principles, three focus on environment, specifically: Principle Seven (Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges); Principle Eight (undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility); and Principle Nine (encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies).
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Overall Mandate: The WBCSD is a CEO-led organization composed of approximately 200 member businesses spanning different sectors that provides business leadership as a catalyst for sustainable development and enterprise.


Business and Biodiversity Programme: The WBCSD develops practical tools for businesses reflecting all aspects of sustainable development. For example, through independent research, the WBCSD has developed capacity and training materials on a wide array of issues. Action 2020 is the main sustainability agenda set by WBCSD for its members, identifying nine priority areas and related, scalable business-solutions. It also provides a platform for dialogue between businesses and local, national, and regional policy-makers. In addition, WBCSD’s cornerstone Vision 2050 report lays out a pathway to a world in which nine billion people can live well, and within the planet’s resources, by mid-century. The report is a consensus piece that was compiled by 29 leading global companies from 14 industries and is the result of an 18 month long combined effort between CEOs and experts, and dialogues with more than 200 companies and external stakeholders in some 20 countries.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

(R)Evolution Let’s Change Now !

(R)Evolution is an Organization started by a group of individuals working towards Climate Change Mitigation measures, Wildlife Conservation, Social Service through various platforms.

We basically intend to provide opportunities for people who have so long awaited to work for a cause but couldn't come across an opportunity. Proper support and information are one of the most important factors to lead forward a change.

For an Individual, there should be means to acquire knowledge and apply it. We are here to provide them a platform to learn and execute their plans which would help them get an extra edge over others.

We believe in providing the best and promoting the cause for the benefit of the society and mankind.
Subject(s): United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020

10-Year Framework of Programmes (UNEP)
The 10YFP was adopted at the Rio+20 Conference as a framework for action on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Programmes on sustainable public procurement, tourism, building and construction, lifestyles and education, food systems, and consumer information have been launched.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity

2010 - International Year of Biodiversity
Subject(s): International Year of Biodiversity - 2010

A Cross-Sector Guide for Implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy
This publication is aimed at environmental professionals working in, or with, extractive industries and financial institutions, who are responsible for overseeing the application of the mitigation hierarchy to biodiversity conservation. It aims to help in balancing conservation needs with development priorities.
Subject(s): Business and Biodiversity