From the biggest Festivals to the most darkest undergroundclubs and locations, Spark Taberner aka Juan from Hoekvan Holland - Rotterdam / Holland is most known for histechnical precision and his communicative DJ style, thismakes him a true gentleman behind the decks, an artistwhose sets are passionate and powerful.With 15 years of experience as a dj, producer, eventorganiser and labelmanager, he has played at some of thebest clubs and events worldwide, like for example Tresor,Awakenings, Fabrik and Transformatorhuis. He is also theresident of the well-known ContraVersion events inAmsterdam where he is famous for his closing sets.His constant enthousiasme and passion has beenrewarded with releases on many successful labels likeNachtstrom Schallplatten, Hidden and Planet Rhythm. Hisinfamous remix of Mike Humphries' 'Tactical Recon' waschosen by internationally acclaimed DJ Dave Clarke as oneof the