In Germany there is an old saying which goes a something like this: In der Kurze liegt die Wurze. Say what!? Translated the Krauts basically wanted to pass this wisdom onto us: All things short are extremely poignant.This might not be true in all cases, but after hearing the hotter than hot new track by You Killing Me, I can only agree with the land of Lederhosen and Sauerkraut .My Religion might only be a spicy 2 minutes and 48 seconds long, but these two Vaticans tell a short story which covers everything you ever wanted to know about a great club tune. A direct introduction with the central theme wrapped around its neck, a powerful and catchy main part with its wonderful ups and downs, and the dreamy outro
Latest Releases
Maehtrasher 050: Wurst Case Scenario
The Oddword, Autodidakt, FEDECKX, Les Tronchiennes, Nadisko, DJ Antention, KroyClub, Jean E La Plastique, Ostblockschlampen, Rob De Large, Aerotronic, Hanuman Tribe, Gsus!, Linoleum, Jericho A.D., Doc Trashz, Beef Theatre, Haezer, LED DJs, Beat & Bang, Electro Ferris, Rotze, Roby Howler, The Mastertrons, X-ettl, Volcazoid, Monophonique, Pola-Riot, Noize Generation, The S, Blood Eagle, Your Ol' Lady, Trumpdisco, Nightbreaker, Attack 1985, Dead C.A.T Bounce, You Killing Me, Distrakt
Maehtrasher 050: Wurst Case Scenario
The Oddword, Autodidakt, FEDECKX, Les Tronchiennes, Nadisko, DJ Antention, KroyClub, Jean E La Plastique, Ostblockschlampen, Rob De Large, Aerotronic, Hanuman Tribe, Gsus!, Linoleum, Jericho A.D., Doc Trashz, Beef Theatre, Haezer, LED DJs, Beat & Bang, Electro Ferris, Rotze, Roby Howler, The Mastertrons, X-ettl, Volcazoid, Monophonique, Pola-Riot, RQM, Noize Generation, Circe, The S, Blood Eagle, Your Ol' Lady, Trumpdisco, Nightbreaker, Attack 1985, Dead C.A.T Bounce, You Killing Me, Distrakt