Sokrates Gaitanidis, Aka Sok, was borned on 25th ofAugust, 1992 and lives in Piraeus Greece.Started Dj’ing at local bars and clubs of his hometown in2009 but his love for electronic music production, motivatedhim to start experimenting in various kinds of house music,much earlier. His music influence is progressive, electro,deep, tech and other house genres.In 2011 started composing music along with G.VoL and,since then, they are known as "G.VoL & Sok". T hey begunto share their productions through soundcloud, YouTube,etc. receiving warm feedback from the public. T heir firstofficial remix was released by Glovel Records in 2013.T hroughout the years, self-taught producer, refined his skillson sound engineering as well as mastering techniques.Currently, the DJ/Producer is working on some officialremixes for various labels in other countries.Dreamy melodies and powerful rhythms have become