Magna Culpa, the enigmatic master of warehouse rumbling techno, emerges from the depths of the underground scene, captivating audiences with a unique blend of dark and atmospheric elements. With tracks released on esteemed labels, Magna Culpa pushes the boundaries of the genre, leaving a profound impact on listeners, reshaping the landscape of techno with every pulsating beat.
Latest Releases
Nothing But... Hard Techno Essentials, Vol. 18
Akkon, CELEC, Syrus The Virus, Subaru Ito, Anus, Cymbel, Saymon Gomez, Kounta Kulture, Rikki Arkitech, Eloy Palma, DJ Hold, luke&flex, Jesus De Minguela, Magna Culpa, Henze, Erica Peiser, SinnerXL, Dr Rush, GrooveANDyes, Angel Heredia, Brankelo, RAND., 11A!, Chipi, Cutoff:Sky, Homma Honganji, TC Dj, Kai Randy Michel, P-ben