Herrera caught the music bug at an early age when his father returned from England armed with all the popular music from the 60..s and 70..s. Growing up listening to the likes of the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, David Bowie and the Beatles among numerous others, his passion for music developed into visiting the Hacienda, at the time the biggest club in his home country of Tenerife.Hooked on acid house, Herrera was inspired by wat ching t he likes of Dan T echnici, Alex Arnout , Mr C and Steve Foster. Transfixed, the decisión was already made t hat no ot her career would do.Fast forward to 2010 and Herrera has become one of Europe's most in demand DJs and one of Spains best knownexports. Playing arguably the worlds best
Latest Releases
7 Years
Damon Grey, Nense, Scorch (FRA), Robbie Rivera, JCROW, Ron Carroll, R.O.N.N., Peverell Bros, Antoine Cortez, Black Legend Project, Kristof Tigran, Block & Crown, Rino(IO)DJ, Maickel Telussa, Patrick Tijssen, John Jacobsen, G-Martinez, Aron Scott, Zen, Mitch B., Marc Mosca, eSquire, Djey Piko, Barry Obzee, Lawrence Friend, Jay Frog, Francesco Diaz, David Jimenez, Matt Caseli, Errol Reid, Baseek, Monaus, Capo & Comes, David Vissen, John Hertz, Rachael Starr, David Vendetta, Madsax, Teyno, Alsahm, Edwin Geninatti, Sugarstarr, Stage Rockers, Samantha Nova, Angel Heredia, Justin Nils, Anthony Natale, Xander Ace, DJ Ralph, Alice Reize, Tecca, Chris Geka, Sen Etan, Nihil Young, Damarii Saunderson, 1256789, Echo Cortes, Alex Nevil, Jerem Maniaco, Pansil, Danny Wild, Albert Aponte, David Santos, Chris Groovejey, Steve Edwards, Michael Murica, Kim Morgan, Beatmechanic, Coocs, Gaty Lopez, FUNKYBEAT, Gadom, Philipp Sachs, Herrera, Technici, Reza, Hi Noise, Gass Krupp, HouseEssence, Kaes Ame, K-Raz, Markus Emig, Mike Era, Loïc Roche, Lionel Maublanc, Nico Heinz, Max Kuhn, Fabio De Magistris, Steven Patrick, Nico Zandolino, Simioli, Frank Russo, Splashfunk, Stefano Bernardi, Tommy Boccuto, Yves Eaux, Jay Davi, Octabar