Danilo Iacone aka Akyra was born in Napoli (Italy) in 1989.Themusical approach has been favored by his maternalgrandfather. At age15 spring guitar and piano, intrigued by the world of DJing. Itgrowswith the music as the only reason of his life. T he musicalmaturitycomes with time, as well as the attachment to vinyl andneedles. Theapproach to '90 House with influences of Techno and Deepcombineperfectly in the style purposed in his dj set and his ownproductions.He is currently one of the pearls of ON AIR Concept Lab.and VaeVictis, of which he is resident. Growth in the Club hasfostered agreat relationship of interaction with the dancefloor and itsclubbers. With humility and love for what he does, hereceives theesteem of the great personalities of the Italian andInternationalscene. The growing experience as a producer