Born into a family of musicians, Fait began playing saxophone in his teenage years, gaining notoriety in 2002 when heaccompanied Cuban musician Gendrickson Mena Diaz on a four-day fashion event hosted by Pitti Uomo. He has collaboratedwith Flavio Boltro, Elisabetta Guido, Marco Panascia, Joel Holmes, Phil Maturano, Antoinio Zambrini, Attilio Zanchi, Tony Arco,Roberto Piermartire, Luigi Tognoli, and performed with others in clubs throughout Lombardy and Italy. In 2007, he founded theFait Club Quintet. He also contributed to Mantic Ensemble, an album with Danilo Manto on pianoforte, Max Patrick onpercussion, and Fait on soprano saxophone.A plentiful artistic production with another 3 CDs, including one with the Atlantis Music Project, started thanks to the encounterwith the record producers John Toso and Roxana Pranno.