Nivaadh Singh

Nivaadh Jeeth Singh a.k.a "Deejay Nivaadh Singh (The Breadman)" ,who currently owns and signed under Destination 4:13 Records.His interests in music began in 2006 when he became a drummer and keyboard player. In 2007 he started his 1st recording studio called "Studio 4:13", named after "Phillipians 4:13" and took on the art of Pro Djing simultaneously.The passion that ignited this movement was his unique interpretation of musical sounds. He always took note to a musician's message in the song and never saw it just as entertainment; he always vowed to himself that he would deliver a similar message through his music. The drive of being a DJ and always watching people enjoying themselves is what spured him on to create the most powerful productions in the music industry.As a newcomer