Ivan Masa , was born 1989 in Caserta (Italy), in the growingworld of music, a passion inherited from his parents.T hanks to a well known club in his city 'run by the father anda dance school run by the mother got to know the music to360 degrees. At the age of 9 years old he bought his firstconsolle just getting a good response, at the Age of 13years was born of his love for electronic music and madehis first experience playing in a city of its well-known local(mad hard clubs) complemented by a well-known NeapolitanDJs. His experience grows in consolle coming to performwith well known DJ in the techno scene worldwide (JustinBerkman, Miss Jools, etc..) So Ivan at the age of 16 yearsold is close to the world of music
Latest Releases
Ellen Allien, Samer Soltan, Davina Moss, Louky Louki, Mark Reeve, Point Sole, Gui Boratto, Robert Owens, Blue Amazon, Alex Flatner, Darse, Vomee, ALIANOR, Kellerkind, Josh Grover, biskuwi, Fynn, Peer Kusiv, Andreas Bergmann, Modeplex, Playtime, Bailey Jehl, D-Deck, Alex Mine, Robin Hirte, JASIN'Y, Add-us, Sous Sol, Saccao, Asta, Part Of Me, Patrick Hero, DJ Andy de Gage´, Alogique
Bellissimo 3
Danique, Distorted Beauty, Annett Gapstream, Far Distance, Point Sole, Danny Serrano, Oliver Bach, Amuze, Danniel Selfmade, Mervezelo, The Second Sense, Pauke Schaumburg, Schlepp Geist, Madmotormiquel, I.R.A.L.I, Scoom Legacy, 2Qimic, Sous Sol, Patrick Hero, Thomas Lizzara, Interest Of Mind, Dennis Engelhardt, Alogique, Nadya (RU), Andy Moon, Dinkis (Italy), Bian Rugilo, Sascha Kloeber, Henning Richter
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