Baev Vadim Aleksandrovich, also known as Laenas Prince. This young 25-year-old musician, lives and works in the city of Soligorsk of Republic of Belarus. The musical career started in the summer 2008 and there is no end in sight. Creative flight of thoughts led to the writing of his first track under the name Armado style. That was only the beginning. Now under Laenas Prince he delivers to tech house tunes that are sure to rock the dance for and start the 2014 year off with a bang.
Latest Releases
Electronica, Vol. 8
Michael Burkat, Leaking Shell, Indelible Horse, Conservators, Soulsonic, JJ Gullo, Andrew Duke, Laenas Prince, Vile Temper, Alterleo, Ed Dejon, TUXA, Brian Snr, Furneaux-Inc, Em Eff, Matthias Springer, Aksutique, Isobutane, Csum, Lekktro Flight Project, Martin Nonstatic, The Sushi Club, Stephen Richards, Sotus Bo, Javi Cánovas, RTR, Futuristant, Klangwald
Top 100 Euro Electro House, Vol. 2
Electroshock, Electro Suspects, Dino Sor, Royal Music Paris, Digital Grass, Dj - McDonald, Dj.Romana, DJ AleX Xandr, Dima Tumbler, Dj Kolya Rash, I - BIZ, DJ Mojito, Dj Vantigo, Dmitry Bereza, Dub Ntn, Cream Sound, El Aero, DJ Slam, Mister P, Elefant Man, Elektron M, Ewan Rill, Fico, FreshwaveZ, Galaxy, Gh05T, Kanov, GraySP, Grey Wave, Hugo Bass, Switch Cook, Iconal, Imperial Box, Inversion Sound, Ivan L., J. Night, Jeremy Diesel, Kamera, Kertek, Ksd, Laenas Prince, Manchus, Solstice, MARI IVA, Maxim Linemoon, Max Livin, Moving, mr. Angel boy, MUBiNT, Nic Bax, Night Eclipse, Nightloverz, Nikita Prjadun, Nuclear, Outerspace, Paro Dion, Perspective DJ's, PVBXXS, Pyramid Legends, Q, Rafijho, Rav, SamNSK, Sandro P, Sapphirine Phlant, Sawa, Second Age, Sergey Paradox, Seventim, Sistal, Snake, Spyke, Staziz, Stop Narcotic, Sunbeamz, Swith Cook, Takky, Ziot
World of Electronic Music, Vol. 8
Ahmet Kermeli, Alexander Igoshev, Gregory Boicov, Phlint, Antent, Artem Roman, Aveo, BIONIQUE, CJ Wetal, David Frontero, Disco Traveller, DJ Di Mikelis, DJ I. GlazkoV, DJ KoT, DJ Melodic, DJ Nikita Noskow, DJ Solar Riskov, Dmitry Ivashkin, EasyWay, Ekvator, Faberlique, from Siberia, Gh05T, Hairdryer, HUGEshift, Ivan Lopukhov, J Adsen, Jaystan Joys, KastomariN, Laenas Prince, Linkov Prod., Mac Graymer, Mardap, Martin Cloud, Matt Mirenda, ME2U, Mike Splash, Mike Sweet, Mogler, mr. Angel boy, Nikita Prjadun, Oleg Maximov, Snork, Onefold, Paul Chasa, PhoniLogic, Rain Freeze, Retrig, Rma Hardgroove, S.M, Sein, Tofiq (IE), Xdexe
It's Your Music!, Vol. 5
Disco Traveller, DJ Di Mikelis, Dj Vantigo, Easyway (Ew), FreeJay, Kheger, Laenas Prince, Lone Dolphin, Marco Marzulli, Matt Mirenda, Max Gleroy, MaxFIIL, Metropol Romento, Michael Yasyrev, mr. Angel boy, NIR 300, Paro Dion, Pasha Shot, Pasta (Tasty Sound), Patrick Cross, Andy Gis, Pavel Vladimirov, Ra-Ga, Ruslan Holod
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