Raffaele Aurioso

Raffaele Aurioso

RaffaeleAurioso is a young Italian DJ/ Producer, born in Naples on 23 August 1992. This is a simple story, made with love and passion...His sound is a composition between the house tech with some funk elements, resulting in sound with electronic accents. Developed In House sequences. Its underground sound is in uenced by current trends but always maintaining the characteristic rut. In this way it has achieved a unique sound appreciated by different types of audience of the international scene.He was called to be part of the well-known party of Richie Hawtin "ENTER" alongside DJ Hito al Quidisana. From that moment, Raffaele, had the opportunity to share a booth with renowned artists worldwide and playing in several of the most in uential clubs In Itlay and around the world. Today he is a resident

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