Projekt 101

Projekt 101

Andreas Orth (Dipl.-Psych.) discovered at the Age of 4 Years his Love for Music. First at the local Piano, then the Hammond Organ with analog oscillators fascinated him. 
Inspired by the Techno Hype of the late 80s and the 90s he composed many Tracks which were market by his own. Two of his early Compositions has been licenced for the famous Rave Mission Series in the 90s. The Tracks "Space" & "Jupiters Earth" under the Pseudonym PARANETICS were played at local Clubs and private Dance Partys. During his Studies to a Master in Psychology at the University Mannheim he had not so much Time to produce Music and to release new Songs. 
After finishing his Master he starts to create and produce new Music again. In the Year 2019 he founded PROJEKT

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