Michael Strauss

Michael Strauss

Michael Strauss, austrian producer / dj / remix artist, has his roots in hip-hop and breakbeat music. He started on hardware in the late 90ies – producing breakbeat and hip-hop instrumentals for his own band „Planquadrat“. After some succesfull years, he got more and more into Synthesizer and Drumcomputer based music and found his own characteristic style. Michael´s Sound right now is a mixture of Techno, House and Minimal but with his own personal note in every track. He was charted by some of the best dj´s in the world and played with the „biggest“ names in this business as warm-up or supporting act. Michael Strauss is mainly releasing music on: K:lender Recordings / Flavorite / Zaubermilch / XLR1507 / DROWNE

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