Marrel was born in Z abrze in 1990.When He was young , hespend alot of time listiening to various electronic musicstyles, mostly trance music. After few years he felt the greatatmosphere of techno music on Global Gathering 2009 inPoland.After that , he want to create own sounds…He gained inspiration from artists like Chris Liebing, SpeedyJ, Virgil Enzinger,Sven Wittekind and Tex-Rec.In 2009 he released his first Ep in NuZ one Gears called„T he One”. Few years later he released „Endless Anger”EPinPolish label - Stereophonic Recordings which gave him bigsupport from alot of artists from over the world. Since thenhe grab alot of experience in music production, he gainedalot of support from big names like A-Brothers , AlbertKraner , Mikael Pfeiffer , Hystericmaniak , Snello , AndreasKraemer, Sebastian Groth, GO!Diva, Electrorites andreleased